Tom Corbett – Understanding Game Engines 53-353 | Entertainment Technology Center | Carnegie Mellon University Fri, 11 Sep 2020 18:39:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Zoom Remote Control Fri, 11 Sep 2020 18:39:33 +0000 Read More]]> One feature that I expect we will need to implement in this class is the ability for the instructor to control a student’s screen, in order to help diagnose buggy behavior and resolve issues. In order for these requests to be granted, there are sometimes additional steps that you may need to take to authorize this.

Requesting and Giving Remote Control [Zoom]

If you are working on a Mac, you will need to modify your privacy settings before Zoom can grant remote control. In your System Preferences, open the Security and Privacy window. Select the Privacy tab, and then select Accessibility from the list on the left. Make sure that the checkbox next to “” is checked. (You may need to click the “lock” icon in the lower left first to permit this change.)

Permissions for Zoom Desktop Client with macOS [Zoom]

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Welcome Aboard! Fri, 11 Sep 2020 17:58:21 +0000 Read More]]> Welcome to the fall semester of “53-353 Understanding Game Engines”, now entirely remote! (and partially asynchronous!)

Online is a new format for offering this class, which features a large amount of live coding and so we will be utilizing a number of different channels to deliver instruction and communicate.

Live classes will be held on Zoom during regular class time. These sessions will be recorded and posted to Canvas, in case you need to go back and review. Step-by-step coding sessions will be delivered asynchronously (this is a departure from previous semesters). Recordings will available at the beginning of the class period, at the time the week’s assignment is announced. These coding sessions will work through the development of our project, and the assignments will build on the code we create in these, so don’t wait until the last minute to review them.

Additionally, written recaps of the class content will be posted to this WordPress site, along with assignment details. Project files, code, and slides will be shared using Box. That’s a large technology stack, but we will work to make this as seamless as possible.

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