Day 1: Introduction & Setup

In our first class, we introduced the concept of a game engine, introduced ourselves, discussed the course policies, and received our first assignment. If you were unable to attend, the recording will be posted on the Canvas website. More info below:

Important Info

Class Recording: You can access this through Canvas by navigating to our course, then following the “Zoom” link on the left navigation menu, and then selecting the “Course Recording” tab on that page.   If you were not in class today I highly recommend that you review this.

Unity Edition: This semester we will be using the latest stable version of Unity – 2021.3.2f1   (Personal Edition)   

Assignment Zero (do this before the next lesson)

Part 1:  Install Unity on your machine.  If this is your first time using Unity you will also need to create a Unity account at (Links to an external site.) and then download the Unity Hub (Links to an external site.).   Once you have done this, use Unity Hub to install 2021.3.2f1 on your machine.  When prompted, make sure to include the  Visual Studio Community install, unless you have your own IDE that you wish to use.

Part 2:  Complete the Unity Roll-a-Ball tutorial.

There is no submission for this assignment. Your goal is to get Unity set up and complete the Roll-a-Ball tutorial to familiarize yourself with the application’s interface.