Assignment 1: Paddles

For our first week, we will keep things relatively simple – you will add the two features outlined below to our game. Try to get these working to the best of your ability. For this first assignment you will be graded on the attempt rather than the execution.


CHALLENGE #1)  Make the ball bounce off of the paddles by adding on to the reflection techniques implemented in class on Friday.  You only need to bounce the ball off of the “front” face of the paddle – you can ignore the tops, bottoms, and backs for now.

CHALLENGE #2)   Constrict the movement of the paddles to keep them inside the playing field.  This process should look similar to the one we applied to the ball – detecting an object outside of range and correcting the position.

Deliverable Directions:

A Box folder with the name 53353-assign-<your-andrew-id>” has been created and shared with you. This is where you will submit all future assignments. Be sure to create a new folder in here for each new submission, labeled with the assignment number.

For this assignment:

  1. Create a folder titled Assignment 1.
  2. Submit your script file in that folder. This is the “ping.cs” file (or whatever you may have named that script).


Your submission is due Monday, 5/23 @ 2:00pm. Please make sure to submit this on time, as we will be discussing the results in class.