53-472/672 | Carnegie Mellon University | Spring 2023

Category: General

  • Datasucker Blog Post #3

    It’s prototype week, so our focus is on getting something playable ready. Our programmers are working on getting the AR features working. Prototype Video! The link below is a video of our prototype, it features an interactable, animated character with dialogue and post-processing effects placed in 3d AR space. It also has SFX and music. […]

  • Silly Lil Guys Blog #2

    Prototyping Strategies We have decided that rather than prototyping a whole quest sequence or the whole game tutorial from the start, we would be better suited ourselves to develop in the alpha / beta phase by first make proof of concept scenes that each addresses a design problem / assumption / challenge. These are: To […]

  • Silly Little Guy Blog 1

    Hello! Welcome to Silly Little Guy Studio’s first blog post. We will summarize our game concept and delve into what our teams have been working on! 1. Background There was a graveyard underneath the grounds of CMU. Those buried here became ghosts bound to their most important personal item, which are scattered around this ground. […]

  • Welcome

    Welcome everybody to the Spring 2023 offering of 53-472/672 Advanced Game Studio. This is a semester-long game development project studio, and part of the IDeATe Game Design minor. Each year, our project teams take on a different challenge. Past classes have explored virtual reality games, asymmetric games, and large-scale indie game development. This semester our […]