2D Art
We continued to vectorize the 2D sketches. We also recolored all of the vectors to make them more visually consistent. All vectors are completed

Additionally, we will polish up splash art for the game by release.
For the combat scene with the resentful clown, we finished doing the player’s part of the combat. Similar to the intro tutorial in the Lightship Guides, the player throws a treat into the scene. Right now, the treat is automatically thrown at the ghost. This will need to be modified so that the throw is relative to the player. The treat has low mass, and so can be thrown farther. If the treat hits the ghost, the ghost loses HP. If it doesn’t, the treat despawns after five seconds.
We also began implementing scene loading based on location, which will later be updated to also load the correct scene based on active quests. Right now, it’s simply based on proximity. There were some bugs with this that need to be fixed, though.
In terms of testing, we tried our game out in the wild and found many bugs that need to be fixed. On the bright side, other bugs were fixed. The correct UI now shows up, as well as removing the dialogue sound effect. Additionally, the notebook and inventory can’t be opened at the same time anymore.
We also programmed the player’s notebook; After certain dialogue the notebook can be updated by adding or removing elements. These elements are managed by a List in the UIManager script. (A similar approach will be taken for adding/removing items to the player’s Item bag.)
The current to-do list for programming looks as follows:
- UI moving when building to Android (specifically bag)
- Ghosts stay in place in AR scenes despite player movement and un/loading scenes
- The player needs the ability to die in combat
- Ghost needs to become peaceful when the resentful version dies
- The ghost needs to spawn in front of the player
- Checking for the closest ghost doesn’t currently work
- Add directionality of treat throw
For sound, the most notable change was the removal of the dialogue sound effect. The sound effect was rather jarring, so it’s been temporarily removed while a better one is made. The lullaby song was updated so it now sounds fuller. This was done by adding percussion to the song.