Final game is done!!!

Here we are posing with our sweet friend Daniel <3
Here is the trailer for our game:
Here is what we worked on the past week:
For programming, we finalized the combat system and put everything together. For the combat system, we added UI for the health bars for the player and ghost. The UI decrements as necessary when the player and ghost take damage. Additionally, the ghost now turns into its non-resentful form upon defeat, and dialogue appears.
To put everything together, we put all the quests together in sequence starting from the postman quest to Rose, the clown, then Jacque and Agathe. This worked in sequence, and the AR scenes would open and alternate with the map.
For sound, we completely removed the old dialogue sound effects and implemented the new lullaby sound effect.
3D Art
As same the progress we made in the last week… Animations for each characters.
2D Art
We also finished up the final splash art.

We made health bars for the ghosts and the player characters for the combat sequences.

We balanced the player health to be 5 instead of 15 so here are the new ui elements for that:

We made new dialogue boxes.

Thank you guys for the great semester!!