Student Work

Posts documenting your work

“Catalyzing Conversation I” by Becca Epstein (2015)

I created an installation where people were invited to sit and talk. The exhibition took place during a DIY music show in my house which doubles as the venue Station P. The installation included hand sewn pillows, paper sculptures, tea, and projected video. This piece allowed me to observe the way in which people are willing to interact.

/ repstein

“Catalyzing Conversation I” by Becca Epstein (2015)

I created an installation where people were invited to sit and talk. The exhibition took place during a DIY music show in my house which doubles as the venue Station P. The installation included hand sewn pillows, paper sculptures, tea, and projected video. This piece allowed me to observe the way in which people are willing to interact.

/ repstein

“Sad Portland” by MYNDWYRM/Ben Gansky (2012)

Sad Portland is an phone-based interactive piece made for the South-East neighborhood of Portland. A flyer depicts a map of the area, highlighting a cemetery, along with a drawing of two tombstones whose numerals have been replaced with symbols. At

/ bgansky

“Sad Portland” by MYNDWYRM/Ben Gansky (2012)

Sad Portland is an phone-based interactive piece made for the South-East neighborhood of Portland. A flyer depicts a map of the area, highlighting a cemetery, along with a drawing of two tombstones whose numerals have been replaced with symbols. At

/ bgansky

“Audionce” by Alicia Iott (2015)

Audionce is an iOS application designed to allow users to record and place sounds at their current geolocation. Once a sound is submitted, other app users within a close range of the submit location can hear the sound. This app

/ aiott

“Audionce” by Alicia Iott (2015)

Audionce is an iOS application designed to allow users to record and place sounds at their current geolocation. Once a sound is submitted, other app users within a close range of the submit location can hear the sound. This app

/ aiott