installation – F15 54-498/54-798/60-446/60-746: Expanded Theater Carnegie Mellon University, IDEATE Fri, 18 Dec 2015 22:25:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “Araneola” by Friedrich van Schoor (2012) Fri, 11 Sep 2015 01:05:08 +0000 Spiders recorded on a scale model of a building and projected on a larger scale on the building.

Vimeo / Friedrich van Schoor – via Iframely

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“Link” by Kimchi and Chips (2010) Fri, 11 Sep 2015 00:38:08 +0000 This is an interactive installation created with many cardboard boxes stacked to form some sort of urban landscape on which images of participants were projected. People could come up to the installation and record a video of themselves and see it mapped onto the boxes. The stories told are saved and replayed through the sculpture.


Vimeo / Mimi Son – via Iframely

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“Patterned by Nature” by SosoLimited (2012) Thu, 03 Sep 2015 15:12:29 +0000

Vimeo / Sosolimited – via Iframely

Patterned by Nature is a computational artwork by Sosolimited with North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. It is set in the newly built Nature Research Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.

This huge glass ribbon winds through the museum hall. With thousand tiles of LCD glass, it works as a screen, and animations could be shown by simply change the transparency of each tile of glass. Animations show different type of natural pattern, from clouds to bird chirp to rain drops to leaves shadowing. Accompanied with sound, this artwork create a virtual but still sufficient feeling of nature.

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“Rain Room” by rAndom International (2012) Thu, 03 Sep 2015 11:05:48 +0000 Posts

Vimeo / rAndom International – via Iframely

Rain Room is an installation art that could also be seen as a “trust game”. In the room of falling water, the 3D camera tracks visitor’s walking path and navigate the rain, so that visitor will never be drenched in the process. The idea behind the work is to “push people out of their comfort zone”, and trying to trust something that has never happened in real life. The sound of rain and moisture feeling in air help create a virtual world that people would have emotional interaction with it.



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“LIVE/WORK” by Joy Poulard Thu, 03 Sep 2015 06:31:59 +0000 LIVE-WORK_restingLIVE-WORK_audience

LIVE/WORK is a performance installation I created in 2014 examining voyeurism and exhibitionism, domesticity and the societal role of artists. I found and renovated a blighted storefront and converted it into an artist’s live/work studio where I publicly performed for one month behind the glass and via two surveillance-style webcams. These webcams streamed live 24/7 on A video installation of domestic and artistic ‘chores’ were juxtaposed on four looping television screens placed throughout the space.


Part of the performance was the intentional act of occupying the space itself– from renovating, to decorating, and ultimately living. Audience-performer interaction was blurred by creating an unexpected public spectacle for passersby. The work addressed preconceived notions of the artist’s work, as domestic roles were mocked but also realized. The piece also asks what symbiotic relationships are generated within an artist’s surrounding neighborhood by taking up residence.

Below are selected clips from the video component within the installation.

Vimeo / Joy Leverette – via Iframely

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