Posts Tagged 'pervasive games'

“Pokémon GO!” by Nintendo (2016)
I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share Pokémon Go! Pervasive games have been around since the 1970’s, but have never really caught on. More recent pervasive games were basically played by sending the player text notifications. Pokémon Go! promises an augmented reality game that uses location tracking to encourage players to play in real-life locales.

“Pokémon GO!” by Nintendo (2016)
I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share Pokémon Go! Pervasive games have been around since the 1970’s, but have never really caught on. More recent pervasive games were basically played by sending the player text notifications. Pokémon Go! promises an augmented reality game that uses location tracking to encourage players to play in real-life locales.