public – F15 54-498/54-798/60-446/60-746: Expanded Theater Carnegie Mellon University, IDEATE Fri, 18 Dec 2015 22:25:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “N Building” by teradesign + Qosmo (2009) Sat, 10 Oct 2015 22:07:43 +0000

Vimeo / Alexander Reederなこそま – via Iframely

N Building is a commercial building near Tachikawa station. The facade is a static QR code. When viewed through an iPhone app, characters appear, store information and live Tweets from people inside the building. From the designers: “Our proposed vision of the future is one where the facade of the building disappears, showing those inside who want to be seen.”

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“Araneola” by Friedrich van Schoor (2012) Fri, 11 Sep 2015 01:05:08 +0000 Spiders recorded on a scale model of a building and projected on a larger scale on the building.

Vimeo / Friedrich van Schoor – via Iframely

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“Link” by Kimchi and Chips (2010) Fri, 11 Sep 2015 00:38:08 +0000 This is an interactive installation created with many cardboard boxes stacked to form some sort of urban landscape on which images of participants were projected. People could come up to the installation and record a video of themselves and see it mapped onto the boxes. The stories told are saved and replayed through the sculpture.


Vimeo / Mimi Son – via Iframely

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“Sandbox” by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (2010) Fri, 11 Sep 2015 00:25:27 +0000 This piece uses large scale projection and cameras to create interactions between people on different size scales. A camera records and aerial view of people on a beach and projects it onto a sand box (small scale) for people to play with using their hands. The hands on the sandbox are then recorded and projected back onto the beach so that the people on the beach can interact with the huge hands. This was a commissioned work for Glow Santa Monica and takes place on Santa Monica Beach.

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“Hidden Worlds” by Seeper for Illuminating York (2014) Thu, 10 Sep 2015 03:26:51 +0000

Vimeo / Typeone – via Iframely

This is another main peace of Illuminating York in year 2014, taking place onto the Crown Court Building at the end of October. The theme for the 2014 festival was Leading Lights, which uncovered the rich history and future innovation and discovery in the city of York.

Hidden Worlds was by Seeper, a leading group that have worked in digital projection for more than 15 years. It was inspired by York’s own John Snow, the 19th century physician who not only discovered how cholera spread, but also went on to pioneer the use of anaesthetics – saving countless lives and misery for those undergoing surgery.

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“Marling” by Usman Haque (2012) Thu, 10 Sep 2015 02:39:15 +0000

Vimeo / haque d+r – via Iframely

Usman Haque and his studio Haque Design+Research has been doing great works in interactive architecture. Marling is a mass-participation interactive urban spectacle, and was projected in a public square in Eindhoven, Netherlands. This is the raw recording video; sounds and footprints in it are all real.

In the piace, the voices of citizens are formed as an interactive ceiling of dynamic color. People come and play in this game, and collaboratively build a spectatle that will hopefully last long even after the event finished.


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“Hirshhorn Museum, Washington D.C.” by Kristof Wodiczko (1988) Thu, 10 Sep 2015 02:22:19 +0000 wodiczko-arch-001This piece offers a portrait of the inner personality of the Hirshhorn Museum, a modern art museum located in close proximity to the National Mall and federal government buildings in Washington D.C. The gun and the candle seem to indicate violence and religious sensation, as the microphones are reminiscent of a press conference, of many channels for one voice and correspondingly high volume. This piece may well be considered as a portrait of America.

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“Rose” for Illuminating York by The Projection Studio (2010) Thu, 10 Sep 2015 02:19:29 +0000

Vimeo / Ross Ashton – via Iframely

“Ut Rosa Flos Florum, sic est Domus Ista Domorum”(As the rose is the flower of flowers, so is this the house of houses) The piece is shown onto the South Transept of York Minster for the 2010 Illuminating York Festival. Over the four days of the installation, “Rose” had 65,000 visitors.

The piece was a meditation on the meaning of Rose in collaboration with Karen Monid.

“Rose” was divided into four sections. The first concentrated on the rose as symbol of Yorkshire, complete with Latin inscription taken from the Cathedral’s chapter house and sounds bring Yorkshire’s wild nature to life. The second section, “Rose Garden” combined love poetry spoken by local volunteers with images of climbing rose trees. This then led into “Mary”, which combined images of the Virgin Mary with an extract of the York Minster choir singing “Magnificat Septimi Toni” by Lassus. The final part was a study of perfection, both mathematical and tonal as glass sounds accompanied stained glass imagery and geometrical shapes and patterns.

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“NYE LA 2015” by Julia Diamond and Garrison Yu of YU+co (2015) Wed, 09 Sep 2015 22:33:00 +0000

Vimeo / Grand Park – via Iframely

Following the success of NYE LA 2014, Grand Park and The Music Center partnered with a far more established media company, yU+co to create a New Year’s eve experience that communicated “LA’s role as the creative epicenter of our world.”

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“Moribundos Live” by mapjacks (2013) Wed, 09 Sep 2015 22:31:49 +0000 Mapjacks is a collective of visual artists in LA. They do guerrilla installations on the exterior buildings:

YouTube / Mapjacks – via Iframely

The collective also performed at shows and clubs, including collaborative improvisations where multiple artists add layers to the projections. In this example, one artist is finding and manipulating images from the internet that match the music, another is running a program generating the geometric images and another is drawing:

Vimeo / Akiko Yamashita – via Iframely

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