Author Archives: Michael James

3D Modeling Resources

Cartoon Character Modeling, Rigging, Animation Cartoon Character Rigging and Animation

/ Michael James

3D Modeling Resources

Cartoon Character Modeling, Rigging, Animation Cartoon Character Rigging and Animation

/ Michael James


Created by Yasha Jain, Michael James, and Kabir Mantha The piece “Reflections” explores power relationships through the manipulation of angle and time. A rotatable double-sided reflective surface (commonly known as a whiteboard), inherently forces spectators into two disparate experiences. It

/ Michael James


Created by Yasha Jain, Michael James, and Kabir Mantha The piece “Reflections” explores power relationships through the manipulation of angle and time. A rotatable double-sided reflective surface (commonly known as a whiteboard), inherently forces spectators into two disparate experiences. It

/ Michael James