OodBird – LookingOutwards01

I absolutely love the interactive piece “What Will Football Look Like in The Future” by Jon Bois. It completely changed the way I think about interactive story telling and you can communicate ideas with your audience. The story itself is too long and complicated for me to explain entirely, but its basically a discussion of future earth by a bunch of sentient space probes. One of my favorite parts of this piece in right at the beginning, where the viewers frame of reference for time is completely changed by the Bois, who presents the passage of decades through seemingly never ending completely blank calendar that the viewer has to scroll through in order for the story to progress. 

To the best of my knowledge I think this piece was made by the author on their own, though the work is hosted on sbnnation.com. Jon Bois is a sports writer and video producer, but has made seemingly no other work that is comparable to this one in term of medium.