
New Media Experience: Virtual Squash

( code | app )

New Media Experience: Virtual Squash is an app that recreates the experience of practicing squash in a squash court using Soli sensor on Google Pixel 4.

This app is made to motivate myself to do some workout in the COVID19 era.


I made a virtual squash that could be played with Soli sensor. Left and right swipes mimic the squash swings, and tap reclaims the squash ball. Every time the squash ball hits the front wall, the number of hits on the top left corner increments by one. Similarly, every time the ball is reclaimed, the number of resets below the number of hits increments by one.


Though this project, I learned how to create space with WEBGL in p5.js, manipulate camera function to change viewpoint, and incorporate a sound file to be played every time a certain action has taken place.

Quick Demo Video:

~35 minute long video of playing squash with Soli:


* I used an aluminum bottle so that Soli detects my motion better. As you can see throughout the video, I noticed Soli recognizing almost every move I make in a certain bottle position and a certain speed of it moving across the screen and tried to swipe in that fixed position & speed.

Fastforward ver. of video above: