
Snail Mail allows users to deliver messages one character at a time, once an hour.

My project is definitely a critical reflection about communication, specifically texting. When approaching this project, I thought about how I could change text messaging to make messages more meaningful. I consume so much media that I sometimes forget what a text says immediately after sending/reading it. Originally, I planned on making a messaging app that allows users to send only one message per 24 hours. Additionally, I wanted users to wait 24 hours to see their message. I simplified the execution of this concept while focusing on making texts more precious/rare and text messaging more archaic.

Under the current texting system, many people fixate over the time it takes someone to respond to their message or the amount of texts someone sends them and try to extract meaning from those behaviors. I wanted to create a simpler form of texting with less fixation.

Other sketches are in the form of written notes, here are some:

    • messages slowly revealed over 24 hours (simple animation, e.g. text fade in)
    • reward users for waiting 24 hours to open the message
    • record voice memos that are delivered years later

Snail Mail (Currently set to deliver once every 2 minutes and only works on my laptop)