


Cirlrea is a uniquely shaped world where important landmarks are marked by filled in circles and the surrounding circles represent the elevation. Unlike Earth, Cirlrea was once a planet covered in moss-green water. The landmarks are all manmade and they house what is thought to be the last pockets of humanity. 

Initially, I wanted to create a map that could mimic the look of train maps typically seen in brochures and underground train stations. However, I quickly realized I had to add a lot of constraints so the look of the train lines would be aesthetically pleasing. The final product was inspired by contour maps. I liked the look of rings around a filled center and while I tried with other shapes, I ended up liking the look of circles the best. I didn’t want the map to represent earth, but I did want the overlapping contours to create the feeling of land masses. I used a nested for loop to determine how many circles I wanted and another to determine how many rings would be around the respective circle. The rest was just choosing colors and numbers to increase the diversity of circles. 
