
This is a VR music video created by artist Jesse Kanda for the Icelandic singer Björk’s 8th album Vulnicura. This unsettling video was created by shooting from inside from a four-foot replica of the singer’s mouth with 12 360 cameras. The artist aimed to create an intimate yet disturbing image goes well with the theme of the music. The artist also explained about the reason behind choosing the human body as the presented image in this interview: “I genuinely think the human body is gorgeous and beautiful and there’s so many mysteries and things you can tie it with emotionally and psychologically”.

To me it’s extremely interesting that for most of the time VR seems to be related to world building or creating external environments, but for this music video the exploration was for looking inwards. The way of presenting the image through 360 video is also intriguing, almost as if you are observing both someone else’s body but also being constantly reminds of yourself’s.

(Another video that’s from the same album collaborating with Autodesk, and some other artworks from the artist’s collaboration with Arca)