
List of Completed Assignments

  1. Making a Timer: Fuse (or Progress Bar)
  2. Using Arrays: Living Line
  3. Array + Search: Longest Line Segment
  4. Array of Animating Objects: Ripples
  5. 1D Perlin Noise: Mountains
  6. 2D Perlin Noise: Imaginary Islands
  7. Arrays, Geometry, Interaction: Line Intersections
  8. Recoding “Interruptions” (Molnár, 1968-69)
  9. Generative Landscape Open Processing   |   Blog Post

Assignments to be Completed

  1. Monster (Three Rectangles Only)/Monster (Alternate: Anything Goes)


As mentioned in my FinalPhase2 post, I’ve been watching Snap Lens Studio tutorials on YouTube in order to achieve the desired effects. I have attached screenshots of two trials that I have experimented with. First, I was intrigued by the texture I saw in Aaron Jablonski’s work to play around with building different textures, especially those reminiscent of water. Secondly, I explored its 3d hand interaction module to induce particular phrases or animations based on the position of the hand. As of now, I think I will stick to my first trial to develop a certain virtual environment that the users could possibly be immersed in.


I have been working on trying to get more than two spheres to all have a force of attraction between them. My overall project is to allow any number of spheres to all feel a force of gravity towards one another and allow them to combine into larger spheres to try to simulate planets and stars forming from debris.



I am learning how to build scrollable 3D narratives using three.js and GSAP. I read a few demo write-ups from the NYT about tools that can be used like Google Model Viewer and Sketchfab, and then dove into three.js basics and linking it up with GSAP to animate on scroll. Here I have a simple cube rotate on scroll when its div becomes visible.



(Playing with materials for the Kitchen)

(Outer structure of the kitchen)

My goal is to complete the Unity tutorial provided by Linkedin Learning and, in the end, have a walk-through kitchen. These are screenshots of what I have completed so far.


A unity walkaround with procedurally generated terrain of (medieval?) Pittsburgh. A simulator of ancient Pittsburgh, if you will.

An example of heightmap data used as terrain information. This information is available for almost the entirety of the US and many parts of the world at: https://heightmap.skydark.pl/

[Looking at point park from a little bit to the west of (what is now) Grandview Overlook]

For reference:

[Looking at Schendly from CMU]

[Random houses on Mt. Washington (south shore of PGH)]


Since I did not complete the Telematic project, my final project is to complete it! I wanted to learn more about how socket.io works, how things get sent from the server to the client and vise versa, and how storing data works. Using an existing persistent drawing canvas project, I implemented a rooms function which allowed me to understand these three key points better. Here is the link to the blog post.