alicerao – F15 60-223: Intro to Physical Computing Carnegie Mellon University, IDEATE Thu, 17 Dec 2015 20:19:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 One-in-one-out: Plush Play Piano Thu, 24 Sep 2015 06:07:03 +0000 Plush Play Piano is a keyboard that, upon playing a few notes, starts generating chord patterns. We mean to model this as a children’s toy, as a medium for children to discover the joy of music, and also as a metaphor for the breadth of a child’s imagination, and a person’s imagination as a whole. Taking inspiration from this toy that already exists and this one that’s also pretty cool, we want to see what is possible with a few pressure sensors and some Arduino Computation.

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“Disco Dog” by PARTY NYC Thu, 10 Sep 2015 16:35:38 +0000

This dog might just be the coolest dog ever. For about $40, your dog can be a walking disco ball. For just $20 more, you can match! The product is covered in LED’s that flash as your dog and/or you walk down the street together, pretty self explanatory from the video. It seems that technology has come such a long way in the wearables industry that it is expanding to pets. Yet it still seems relatively useless, and it might just scare your dog away.

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“WAY” by Team Way Thu, 10 Sep 2015 16:29:44 +0000 “WAY collects data from your skin and surroundings, provides skincare tips on your connected device.”

But is that really all that WAY does? WAY was 243% funded on Indiegogo during it’s fundraising period, and continues to receive a plethora of orders every single day. Technologically, this gadget is very advanced and a relatively new concept. Socially, however, WAY represents all the social norms that women conform to, especially in East Asian countries (e.g. pale, dewy, spotless skin). While WAY may be helpful for those especially sensitive to humidity and UV rays, is it worth over $100?


YouTube / HelloWAY – via Iframely

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“Smarter Socks” by BlackSocks Thu, 10 Sep 2015 16:29:22 +0000

YouTube / BLACKSOCKS SA – via Iframely

BlackSocks is a company that makes exactly what you think: black socks. Recently, their new product is a pair of black socks with advanced chips in them that report information back to your iPhone about your socks. With this application, you can check just how black your socks are, how many times they’ve been washed, and whether or not you need replacements. Of course, there’s no way you could just look at your socks yourself.


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