
Bingo Box by Team Jeffrey: Final Documentation

overview This project is a Bingo-style game for Jeffrey to play with his 6-year-old granddaughter, Stella. This game, partially disguised as trivia, would be used as a tool…

Team Jeffrey – Prototype Documentation

  Introduction This post is a detailed explanation of our team’s process towards a functioning behave’s-like prototype. After our first conversation with our older collaborator Jeffrey, we decided…

Final Project – Initial Meeting with Jeffrey

A brief introduction On November 1st, our group (David, Caroline and Chloé) met up with Jeffrey, an older man participating in the Osher program next to our physical…

Interactive Memory Box

Interactive Memory Box is a tool relying on neuroscientific findings used to strengthen the engraving of long term memories right before sleep.     This project is a…

Project 01: Needy Wearable

Needy Wearable is a shirt that reacts heavily when no one is close/when someone is far away, and only calms down the closer one gets. The shirt moves with…

TV B Gone

The TV B Gone by Mitch Altman was created with Arduino and has the sole purpose of turning off TVs in public spaces without having access to a remote…