Project Creator: Ashish Choudhary

Description: This project uses and Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, and water pump system to deliver hand sanitizer automatically through sensor detection, and also provides an additional feature of updating the user with COVID-19 information, specifically about the infected count, in real time by drawing data from a live API.

A demonstration of the automatic hand sanitizer dispenser in action!

Response: I personally found this project to be especially relevant to the world’s current situation with the pandemic and quarantine going on, so it immediately stood out to me as something extremely useful right now as a small, but simple, practical device to have on hand.

While I love and completely support the idea and intention behind the project, I think it has so much more potential, especially given its intended purpose. The hand sanitizer portion is great, but I think the idea of providing live COVID updates can be expanded, since the project only provides a count of the total number of infected people, and that information by itself is not that helpful. However, with a few additions, I think the machine can actually be a lot more informative and also provide advice or guidelines to follow to stay safe.