Category: Meeting documentation

Team Amy – Interview Documentation

Interviewing: Amy Shannon  Team: Dani, Evan, Daniel INTRODUCTION This project was designed to build a functioning device that can improve or help the daily life of disabled people….

Elaine Houston: Interview

Introduction:  In preparation for our group to start the final project, our team of Sruti Srinidhi, Jina Lee, and Connor McGaffin, interviewed our client, Elaine Houston, so that…

Interview With Brenda

Introduction In order to begin our final project of creating an assistive device specifically catered to address the needs of a disabled person, our team of Claire and…

Brenda Seal Team: One

Introduction:  On November 3rd, Carl, Arleen, Clair and Mimi meet with Brenda over zoom to conduct an interview. Carl and Mimi are on Team Brenda 1. The purpose…