Creator: Francesco Gritti

Short Description: This device is able to fit over existing key pads in order to give people the ability to push buttons without physically touching them. The device has the ability to expand and contract to fit over a range of different key pad sizes. It uses infrared sensors to detect when a finger is s few centimeters away, while alternatively providing a QR code for the user to scan allowing them to press the button they want on their phone. After receiving this input, the adaptor mechanically hits the corresponding button.

3D model of the touch-less key pad interface

Response: I think this is a great idea to make key-pads touch free in the age of COVID-19. The product seems to be pretty adaptable to different key pads, which is important because key pads can come in many shapes and sizes. I will note that implementing this will require signage to notify users of how it works so they don’t try to physically push the buttons. I also wonder if there is a potential security issue with providing a QR code that is able to remotely control buttons, like in an elevator.