
  • I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make a blob with just my previous knowledge, but every attempt resulted in a very sharp-edged polygon that wouldn’t even come near the definition of a blob. I then decided to watch Dan Shiffman’s video on Perlin Noise loops; with that and the help of some smoothing done with averaging and noiseDetail() with Golan, I was able to create my blob family. The fill is not even in each blob, which resulted in a bendy look. I actually quite like how it looks because I think it adds some movement to the image.
  • One thing that stuck out to me from Entering the Blobosphere reading was the de-categorization of the blob from the physical shape that it is so commonly associated with. In defining it as a conceptualization of progress and/or potential, its scope becomes much broader, and offers much more to contemplate.
  • Here are some screenshots of my blobs:

Here is the SVG of my final blob family:

Here is the final plot: