stickz – FinalProject

Jittery Line Drawing App 

I changed the direction of the final project to be a drawing app that interacts with the orientation of the user’s phone that can draw in 3D. I’ve been able to get multi-color lines working, where I implemented them as springs, and got some basic physics working. Wasn’t able to implement the phone orientation into the springs last night as planned, but I’ll get that up and running 🙁


Stuff I’m thinking about : 

  • Implementing Multi-touch for drawing – using LingDong’s template 
  • Different color themes for drawing lines 
  • Phone orientation that messes with the physics of the lines (then 3D orientation) 
  • More sophisticated 3D line forms

Screenrecordings of the Glitch Drawing App So Far

Stuff to work on:
- Different color themes for drawing lines 
- Phone orientation that messes with the physics of the lines (then 3D orientation) 
- More sophisticated 3D line forms