Progress – 60-428/16-374 Spring 2018 Art of Robotic Special Effects Thu, 03 May 2018 12:51:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Miss Mary O. Nette: The Drag Ostrich Tue, 06 Mar 2018 22:29:51 +0000

For this character assignment, we created a drag ostrich. It is ostentatious in nature and flirts with itself in the mirror and to the camera. We digitally animated the eyelids with two separate servos and manually manipulated the head and body by hand. We had one puppeteer moving the head from above marionette style and another puppeteer moving the body from below.


Here’s a closer look at how we built Miss Mary. We started with some balled up paper towels and attached the servos to it. Once the servos were functioning properly, we attached the eyelids and eyes and built the rest of the head around it. After the head was completed, we attached the neck made from a slinky and the feather boa wrapped tin foil body.





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