Source code for actuation_tutorial.stepper_sequence_demo

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Enable basic compatibility features to work with either Python 2 or 3.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals

# Standard library modules.
import os, sys, time, argparse, select, logging

# This requires a pySerial installation.
from serial.serialutil import SerialException

# Configure load path to include the parent folder so the course library can be found in a parallel folder.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))))

# Import modules from the course library.
from ase.DFMocoProtocol import DFMocoClientProtocol
import ase.SerialTransport
import ase.logging

[docs]def animation_sequence(steppers, nummotors, logger): """Produce an animation motion sequence on a set of stepper motor by issuing motion commands to the stepper interface and performing delays using This is a good starting point for customizing the script. :param steppers: handle to the DFMocoCNC interface object :param nummotors: number of motors to assume are connected :param logger: logging object for debugging and status output """ # Extract the DFMocoClientProtocol object from the transport for convenience. protocol = steppers.protocol # Configure the maximum pulse rate for our typical stepper hardware. for m in range(nummotors): protocol.send_pulse_rate(m, 1500) # Endless loop to run the sequence in a loop. while True: # Send some motion commands. protocol.send_multiple_targets(0, [3200]*nummotors), [steppers]) # Send some motion commands. protocol.send_multiple_targets(0, [0]*nummotors), [steppers])"Waiting for motions to finish.")[steppers]) # With more than one motor, try starting the movements at different times. if nummotors > 1: protocol.send_target(0, 1000), [steppers]) protocol.send_target(1, 1000), [steppers])
[docs]def main(argv): """Main program entry point. :param argv: list of command line arguments as individual strings """ # Initialize the command parser.2 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = """Test animation using an Arduino with stepper driver board running DFMocoCNC.""") ase.logging.add_logging_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', help='Print list of available serial ports.') parser.add_argument('--motors', type=int, default=3, help='Specify the number of stepper channels. Default: 3.') default_serial_port = '/dev/tty.usbmodem00146911' parser.add_argument( '--arduino', default=default_serial_port, help='Specify the name of the Arduino CNC serial device. Default: %s.' % default_serial_port) args = parser.parse_args() # Configure a typical logging setup. logger, handlers = ase.logging.create_script_logger('animation', args) if args.list: ase.SerialTransport.print_serial_port_list() # Create objects to manage the Arduino and serial port. steppers = ase.SerialTransport.SerialTransport(DFMocoClientProtocol(), args.arduino) # Connect to the board."Connecting to DFMoco sketch on %s.", args.arduino) try: except SerialException as exp: logger.error("Unable to open port: %r", exp)"You might try the --list argument to see the available serial ports.\nExiting.") sys.exit(1);"Waiting for steppers to wake up...") while not steppers.protocol.is_protocol_ready(): steppers.protocol.send_hello() steppers.wait_for_data() # Now run the event loop until it exits or control-C is pressed. try:"Beginning animation event loop.") animation_sequence(steppers, args.motors, logger) except KeyboardInterrupt:"User interrupted operation.") # Shut down the connection. steppers.close()
#================================================================ # The following section is run when this is loaded as a script. if __name__ == "__main__": # Call the main function with most of the command line arguments. # This could be customized by pre-defining particular arguments: constant_args = [] # constant_args = ['--arduino', '/dev/tty.usbmodem00146911'] main(constant_args + sys.argv[1:])