Automation Tutorial Python Scripts

The automation_tutorial folder of the Python examples includes a command-line Python example program.

This script can map two animation variables to six servos connected via a Mini-Maestro Servo Interface board.

This script is run from the command line (e.g. To see the available options:

$ /opt/local/bin/python2.7 --help

A typical invocation from the command line on an IDeATe cluster MBP will look similar to this:

$ /opt/local/bin/python2.7 --debug --list --maestro /dev/tty.usbmodem00146911
class automation_tutorial.servo_rigging_example.ServoRiggingDFMocoServerProtocol(servos)[source]

Control a Mini Maestro servo interface from Dragonframe using the DF Moco protocol. This demo maps two motor channels to multiple servo axes.

inch_motor(motor, direction)[source]
jog_motor(motor, direction)[source]
motor_move(motor, position)[source]