Olivia’s Temporal Capture Idea

So as I watched the lecture and scanned through the lecture pages, I kept thinking about how these methods can be used right now. My brain, as probably most people’s, is preoccupied by the emotions going on right now. With the capture methods of timelapse, slowmotion, and photogrammetry I kept thinking about how they can be used to capture the emotions/thoughts/actions of people right now going through this point in history. I do not know what it would reveal, but I think the layers of emotions many people seem to be wearing right now is interesting and could possibly reveal how individuals are processing and coping.

My main idea is to make a music video which follows either one or multiple people as they do their normal day to day activities but then something is done to reveal other layers of emotion that exist. Either slowing down on elements of their face that hint at other emotions or using photogrammetry to copy their head then explore what is happening inside using Unity.