Person in Time Ideas

360 soundscape of a meal
A 360 video and audio composition isolating every sound recorded during a meal (self-produced and peripheral sounds) with its decontextualized visual representation (a mask will cover the video footage partially only uncovering the area that produces the sound).

A dining visual score
Inspired by Sarah Wigglesworth’s dining tables I would like to explore the conversation between the objects used during a meal. For this, I will track the 3d positions and movements of cutlery, plates, utensils, and glasses during a meal for one or more people, and after I, I will create a video composition with 3d animated objects that act by themselves, video fragments of the people spatially placed where they were seated, and audio pieces of the performance.

A meeting of conversational fillers
As a non-native English speaker, I have been noticing lately that when I am very tired my mind can detach from a conversation and suddenly, the only thing I can listen to are repetitive words and conversational fillers. I would like to reproduce that experience, in the same way as my first idea, capturing a 360 video of decontextualized ‘uh’, ‘um’, ‘like’, ‘you know’, ‘okay’ and so on.