– 62-150A: Introduction to Textile Media Section A of Media Synthesis & Analysis - Fall 2021 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 16:56:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 – 62-150A: Introduction to Textile Media 32 32 Independent Project Proposal Tue, 30 Nov 2021 16:56:04 +0000 Core concept: Cherry blossoms have always reminded me of my childhood – on my way to school with my parents I would always be greeted by them in the spring. I would love to represent that warm nostalgic feeling through this project by embroidering a cherry blossom tree on a printed picture of my parents. I believe that using materials such as embroidery threads would capture the warm homey feeling that I am trying to convey. Also by embroidering individual petals on the tree and flying off the tree, I think I will be able to illustrate a more dynamic image.

Materials: Printed canvas, embroidery threads and needles (mostly brown and pink tones)

Timeline: 11/30 print image at tartan ink, 12/2 sketch out tree and petals on canvas, 12/3 – 12/9 embroider

100 Ideas For Encoded Cloth – Lea, Carol, and Rose Thu, 04 Nov 2021 17:47:10 +0000 100 Ideas for Encoded Cloth

  1. World Passport (symbolic of open borders)
  2. Collage of people holding hands symbolizes cooperation
  3. Half bright and half gloomy jacket (hopeful vs cynical)
  4. Wired weaving on cloth (high tech clothing)
  5. Assortment of plants cloth for quilt
  6. Spacesuit for civilians to travel to different planets
  7. A suit that allows civilians to fly 
  8. Smart sweaters allow people to communicate with each other in any language
  9. Collage of trash to show things that are in landfill
  10. Plastic bottle windchime 
  11. Book of languages saying welcome
  12. Mural of the evolution of recycling
  13. Mural of the evolution of humans – eventually technology embedded in humans
  14. Mural of the evolution of technology
  15. Map with cloth made from different regions of the world. 
  16. String attaching all parts of the world showing how we are all connected
  17. Blanket stuffed with trash/waste
  18. Mural of people being happy and tearing apart a dollar bill
  19. Map of the public transportation system on land
  20. Map of the public transportation system in air (planes)
  21. Paths merge together leading to a heart. 
  22. Stuffed plushies of plates and plant-based food
  23. Stuffed plushies of spaceships and spacesuits
  24. Mural of plates of food from different culture 
  25. Collage of countries flags = world flag
  26. Jacket of binary code
  27. Jacket showing the contrast of technology, but people are still unhappy due to long work hours
  28. Pillow with stuffing bursting out with plastic 
  29. Collage of different types of bread around the world 
  30. Tree with leaves from different countries/origins 
  31. Incubation device for growing fetus so that women don’t need to give birth 
  32. Backpack with everything that a person can own (each person has limited capacity for ownership of items 
  33. Hands all grabbing a slice of pie (with all equal sizes)
  34. Popup Book with plants 
  35. Circular collage with sectors showing class distinction and direction in clothing
  36. Quilt of materials from the future (clothing, vehicles, furniture, etc)
  37. Story cloth of cities and wastelands
  38. Bird or animal plush that’s dead with trash spilling out/as stuffing
  39. Hanging mobile of different class depictions, class also separated by height
  40. Miniature cloth model of advanced pods that house humans and surrounding terrain 
  41. Barcodes sewn or woven on fabric that scan to research documents or schedules
  42. Cloth with neon/bright lights woven in for a futuristic feel
  43. Wearable fabric mask depicting effects of pollution
  44. Weaving with various irregular materials to simulate landfill 
  45. “Wasteland” quilt with 3D objects sticking out/sewn in to represent civilization amidst ruin
  46. Collage with textiles laid inconsistently to look like buildings 
  47. Mask created from plants and flowers to symbolize the past
  48. Cloth with wires and metal sewn in to represent the city
  49. Mural of eye with embroidered flashing binary that fades out to scenes of ruin 
  50. Tapestry that, from bottom up, shows people escaping from earth to space (gradient)
  51. Open browser window created with fabric and embroidery
  52. Mural of clock split into different stages of Earth over time (global warming, pollution, war)
  53. Collage of scraps of brands and packaging pieced together to form an image
  54. Box covered in fabric and print, advertising futuristic product
  55. Overcoat modified to withstand harsh weather and gas, can carry weapons
  56. Gas mask with browns and greys that turns to fresh water and plants 
  57. Shoe created with woven textiles and metal, with plant sprouting out to symbolize hope
  58. Glove that is bright and made of sequins, feathers, lights on one side and is dark and made of leather, wool, scraps on the other side
  59. Model BMO (from Adventure Time) as example of robot helper 
  60. Water bottle sculpture attached to scraps of fabric and garbage 
  61. Fake flowers and wires sewn together to create garment, intersection of nature and tech
  62. Model of hybrid hoverboard vehicle created with wooden rods, woven materials
  63. Pouch that holds daily essentials 
  64. Monochromatic, minimalistic dyed and styled textiles, meant to emulate cold upper class 
  65. Sculpture of two people connected to a monitor/screen by string to show communication around the world
  66. Collage of different parts of world with mirror in the center so the viewer can see themselves
  67. Weaving using strips of plastic bags and dark/neutral yarn to depict pollution
  68. Advertisement created using cardboard backing with fabric and wire laid over, supposed to be like neon cyberpunk advertisement sign found in the city
  69. Construct clothing out of thrifted clothes hinting at futures limited resources
  70. Using clothings from friends to construct a nostalgic piece for 2070
  71. Quilt with painted patterns of climate change
  72. Quilt with painted patterns of space travel
  73. Quilt with painted patterns dystopian/controlling society
  74. 3d textile of future cities with embroideries
  75. Felting of future devices/gadgets
  76. Felting of human colonized planets/solar system
  77. Felting of spaceships
  78. Felting of grass growing from trash (or some other symbol of hope)
  79. Using trash and making a futuristic space suit
  80. Trash couture
  81. A sweater with messages to the future from 2021
  82. A sweater with messages back to the past from 2070
  83. Flag or quilt made from doomsday literature
  84. Hologram screen made from mesh/thin textiles
  85. Felting of engineering DNA
  86. VR headset that is connected to multiple images of the future with strings/weavings
  87. Embroidery of the creation of adam painting but with robots
  88. Quilt that is overstimulating depicting how it would be like around tech all the time
  89. Technology that has felted plants growing all over it
  90. Mutated dolls that are a consequence of pollution
  91. 3D textile of a globe that is missing a lot of land because of rising ocean levels
  92. Quilt with animals that will be extinct by 2070
  93. Halloween costumes people would wear to be like people in 2021
  94. White/grey outfit and we project images of the future over it
  95. Dress made only out of fairy lights to show light pollution
  96. Solar energy suits
  97. Mask that people would wear and it makes them look half robot
  98. Jacket made out tweets from tech/science deniers
  99. Dyed pattern of grids and circuits
  100. Tapestry of future waste (robots, computers, flying cars etc.)
Imagining the Future Tue, 02 Nov 2021 17:31:17 +0000 I imagine that in 2070, the Earth will be too toxic and barren: it’s covered in waste with literal mountains of trash and the climate is to hostile for people to live on Earth. People will start deserting Earth and rely on space travel to colonize other habitable planets.

People will develop convenient for everyday wear spacesuits and live mostly in their community spaceships. Technology is a huge part of these societies, and with this technology they develop ways to adapt to extraterrestrial environments: grow and harvest crops, find water sources, build new cities etc.

With this concept I would like to make a quilt of the scene of people leaving the polluted earth in search of another habitable planet, or a scene of a spaceship community.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Weaving Documentation – Rose Tue, 19 Oct 2021 17:47:19 +0000
Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

The concept of this weaving was heavily derived from my experimental weaving section that primarily used yellow and green. The colors inspired me to go in a more playful and childlike direction, hence the bright blocks, flowers, grass, and butterflies. I wanted the weaving to remind people of playing outside as a kid.

Since I stuck with three colors and repeated several patterns, I think it helped the weaving look more cohesive. However, I also would’ve loved to incorporate alternative patterns as well. For future projects I think I would spend more time designing the tapestry before I start to weave. I’d also focus on the edges more, reinforce my windows, and not pack too tightly.

If I were to do another iteration of this I would (1) make the tapestry 3-dimensional (weave a cube template and fold the weaving into an actual cube) (2) still stick with the color scheme so that it keeps the playful vibe (3) include the ria knot flowers but make them bigger and more prominent (4) braid the blank spaces and let them fold into the inside of the cube (5) pay attention to details and improve on the skills I’ve mentioned above.

Weaving in Progress – Rose Thu, 23 Sep 2021 18:49:36 +0000
Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress