Resources – DigiTool 62-478 Spring 2017 Mon, 15 May 2017 16:36:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Submission Sun, 01 Jan 2017 16:59:24 +0000 Continue reading "Submission"

Please follow these instruction to submit your projects:

*Bonus Points for IDeATe Gallery Submissions!



1. Gather & relabel any relevant files.

i. Submit these files:

a. Project 1

a.i. Drawing Exchange File [.dxf]

a.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project

b. Project 2

b.i. Stereo-lithography File [.stl]

b.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project

ii. File names should be labeled as: andrewID-equipment-xx

a. andrewID = Your Andrew ID

b. equipment = Equipment used to complete the project (e.g. laser; 3Dprinter; cncrouter)

c. xx = Wildcard, use for photos. (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 etc.)

2. Place your files in a folder. The folder title should be your Andrew ID.

3. Login to your CMU Box Account

4. From the Box web interface, upload your FOLDER (not your files)

i. Select the UPLOAD drop-down button near the top-right

ii. Select the FOLDER option

iii. Browse to your folder location and upload to BOX

5. Share your folder with me

i. While hovering over your folder, select the SHARE button, then INVITE COLLABORATORS

ii. From the Invitation window, input my email address in the INVITE field


iii. The PERMISSIONS & MESSAGE field are irrelevant. Adjust as you please.

iv. Select the SEND INVITES button

6. That’s all!



1. Gather & relabel any relevant files.

i. Submit these files:

a. Project 1

a.i. Drawing Exchange File [.dxf]

a.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project

b. Project 2

b.i. Stereo-lithography File [.stl]

b.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project

ii. File names should be labeled as: andrewID-equipment-xx

a. andrewID = Your Andrew ID

b. equipment = Equipment used to complete the project (e.g. laser; 3Dprinter; cncrouter)

c. xx = Wildcard, use for photos. (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 etc.)

2. Place your files in a folder. The folder title should be your Andrew ID.

3. Login to your Google Drive Account

4. From the My Drive dropdown menu, upload your FOLDER (not your files)

i. Select UPLOAD FOLDER option from the MY DRIVE dropdown menu

5. Share your folder with me

i. Right-click on the folder you’d like to share, select the SHARE option

ii. From the Invitation window, input my email address in the People field


iii. The PERMISSIONS & MESSAGE field are irrelevant. Adjust as you please.

iv. Select the DONE button

6. That’s all!


UPLOAD YOUR FILES TO the ideate gallery:

1. Prepare your files for upload:

i. Submit these files:

a. Project 1

a.i. Drawing Exchange File [.dxf]

a.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project

b. Project 2

b.i. Stereo-lithography File [.stl]

b.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project

ii. File names should be labeled as: andrewID-equipment-xx

a. andrewID = Your Andrew ID

b. equipment = Equipment used to complete the project (e.g. laser; 3Dprinter; cncrouter)

c. xx = Wildcard, use for photos. (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 etc.)

2. Browse to the IDeATe Gallery & sign up for an account:

i. Find the ‘Sign In’ button, near the top right of your Screen.

a. Select the ‘Sign Up’ button near the bottom of the web form.

b. Provide your Information on the following screens. Be sure to use your Andrew ID as your Username, so I can find your work.

c. Complete the sign-up process by activating your account via email.

3. Log in to the Gallery and Create a New Project.

i. Follow the steps to create a new project, filling out any information you can.

a. Initially, you will only be able to upload images for the project.

ii. After completing the steps to create the project, you will be directed to the Project Home screen. Find and select the ‘EDIT/UPDATE DOCUMENTATION’ Button.

a. Upload any remaining relevant files (.jpeg, .dxf, .3dm, .eps)

Your done!

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Macbooks Fri, 23 Dec 2016 20:22:59 +0000 Continue reading "Macbooks"

During this course, we will utilize the Macbooks from IDeATe’s Virtual Cluster. The Laptops will be delivered and available for your use, during class-time. Outside of class meeting times, you can borrow a Macbook from IDeATe Lending (A29). Macbooks should be returned the same day, unless otherwise notified.

The Macbooks include dual-boot Windows & Mac operating systems, you’ll need to login to the Windows partition, in one of the following ways:

1. If your Macbook is NOT powered ON:

i. Find the OPTION & POWER Keys. While pressing & holding the OPTION key, press the POWER key once.

ii. When prompted, select the WINDOWS partition.

2. If your Macbook is powered ON, but logged into the Mac Operating System:

i. Shut-down the Macbook by selecting SHUT DOWN from the on-screen options in the login menu.

ii. Follow the instructions listed above.

**At the end of every class, you will have (5) Minutes to log-out of the Macbooks, and return them to the laptop cart. Any other items that were borrowed from the cart, must be returned in the condition (or better) than which they were received. [e.g. Wind up and wrap wired computer mice]

If you would like to borrow anything, you must visit IDeATe Lending (A29) and complete the check-out process.

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Conversion Fri, 23 Dec 2016 17:16:39 +0000 Continue reading "Conversion"

Standard (in) Metric (mm)
Fractional Decimal Decimal (Actual) Decimal (Common)
1/32 0.03125 0.79375 0.80
1/16 0.0625 1.5875 1.50
3/32 0.09375 2.38125 2.50
1/8 0.125 3.175 3.00
5/32 0.15625 3.96875 4.00
3/16 0.1875 4.7625 4.75
7/32 0.21875 5.55625 5.50
1/4 0.25 6.35 6.00
9/32 0.28125 7.14375 7.00
5/16 0.3125 7.9375 8.00
11/32 0.34375 8.73125 8.75
3/8 0.375 9.525 9.50
13/32 0.40625 10.31875 10.50
7/16 0.4375 11.1125 11.00
15/32 0.46875 11.90625 12.00
1/2 0.5 12.7 12.00
17/32 0.53125 13.49375 13.50
9/16 0.5625 14.2875 14.25
19/32 0.59375 15.08125 15.00
5/8 0.625 15.875 16.00
21/32 0.65625 16.66875 16.50
11/16 0.6875 17.4625 17.50
23/32 0.71875 18.25625 18.00
3/4 0.75 19.05 19.00
25/32 0.78125 19.84375 19.75
13/16 0.8125 20.6375 20.00
27/32 0.84375 21.43125 21.50
7/8 0.875 22.225 22.00
29/32 0.90625 23.01875 23.00
15/16 0.9375 23.8125 24.00
31/32 0.96875 24.60625 24.50
1/1 1 25.4 25.50
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