dbperry@andrew.cmu.edu – Inflatables and Soft Sculpture https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a 99-361 - Spring 2018 Tue, 08 Jan 2019 14:12:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.21 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/cropped-CMU-inflatables-S18-web-image2-5-32x32.jpg dbperry@andrew.cmu.edu – Inflatables and Soft Sculpture https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a 32 32 Curated Experiments — David Perry https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a/curated-experiments-david-perry/ Thu, 17 May 2018 05:28:51 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a/?p=682 The goal of this project was to find a way to take fabric samples and present them in a finalized way. I decided to do this by creating a set of fabric panels, each of which would be inset with a fabric panel. The fabric panels acted to frame each work, while also bringing a cohesiveness to the larger curated form because each panel was standardized.

The original proposal included 6 panels, 3 of which would explore unique techniques of actuating, constraining, or presenting inflatables, and 3 of which would delve into different methods of cutting, layering, or exposing texture. Because of limitations on time the project was reduced to 3 panels. One which focussed on layering, one which experimented with flaps, and finally a panel which used vacuum forming to expose a texture.

Each Panel was labeled to distinguish from Vacuum or Textured.


Many Samples were produced before making the final panels.




Assignment 4: Doppelganger of Drill — David Perry https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a/assignment-4-doppelganger-of-drill/ Sat, 10 Mar 2018 23:25:29 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a/?p=533 The goal of this assignment was to learn how to create a pattern from a pre-existing object, then recreating the object in a soft form. I extended the project by trying to explore methods of integrating hard materials into a textile form.

I chose to create a Doppelganger of a Drill for this project.

The process started by covering the drill with tape then unwrapping all of the tape, with the goal of flattening it out and creating a pattern that could be cut from flat fabric. After flattening the pattern I scanned it and created a vector form of each of the pieces of pattern. Then I laser cut all of the pieces, along with some acrylic pieces to integrate into the form.

As you can see in the following photos there were many points at which the material wrinkles or folds very heavily — a lot of this is due to the complexity of the seams and pleating which was necessary within some of those seams. My hope would be that, in the future, I could learn how to prevent this distortion of material.


Assignement 2 : Hybridized Animal Jules & David https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a/hybridized-animal-jules-david/ Tue, 13 Feb 2018 06:03:46 +0000 https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/99-361/s2018a/?p=390 The goal of this project was to hybridize two animals into a single stuffed form. We spent much this project learning how to seam together the anatomy of two different forms. It was only after the class critique that we began to really consider another mode of exploration. We started to explore beyond just the material and the technique of making a stuffed animal, we began to consider how to breath life and narrative into the form we were creating.

By the time of the critique we had a create a camel elephant hybrid with no eyes, which was pinned together at the joint between the head the body. During the critique we saw the work of all the other groups, crystallizing an understanding of what we could do with the project and where we could further explore. So we explored. After the class had dispersed we decided to add elements that would bring life to the form, such as button eyes, a felt ear-backpack, and a parachute to provide some sense of orientation to our form, which struggled to stay upright on its legs.

Although we were a touch behind when it came to the critique, and regretted not having a finished product at that point it was partially the effort to create a narrative around what we did have at that point that gave rise to the final product that we created.

If we were to continue this project we would probably continue by creating a functional parachute, improved backpack, and other garments. We were also intrigued to play with stop motion or other forms of documentation that would offer a different kind of life to the form we created.

Parachuting Camel – Elephant

Exploring & Stuff

Some of The Process
