Comments for 99-361 A: Garment Patterning, Construction, and Experimentation Sat, 20 Feb 2021 16:38:45 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Cultural Garment_Sean Meng by Olivia Robinson Sat, 20 Feb 2021 16:38:45 +0000 Sean and Sophia, this article is a great illustration of that tension between the traditional and the contemporary that often shows up in fashion. I think each place and group of people have their own particular stories that are very different from one another. This idea of modernization vs. tradition makes me think of the Cultural Revolution in China in the 1950s. My understanding is the revolution included a rejection of many traditional kinds of knowledge, practices, rituals, garments, etc. I think your point about tradition being connected to nationalism and identity is very observant, Sean. I can think of a recent dangerous examples of this: the U.S. in the last 5 years has seen a huge rise in very explicit white nationalism and violence, all under the name of traditional values. I think your article brings up topics that extremely interesting and very relevant to U.S. and global contemporary politics.

Comment on Cultural Aspect of a Garment Natalia Santiago by Olivia Robinson Sat, 20 Feb 2021 16:10:53 +0000 Natalia, I appreciate your synopsis of the article and then that you reflected upon how what it presented shows up in contemporary garments. This article really illustrates how clothing has symbolism that is rooted in past historical events. It makes me think of a number of questions: Do you think the symbolism and meaning of the shoes has remained or has it changed? where does style come from? where do trends come from? who creates fashion?

Comment on Queer Fashion: Part Leather by Olivia Robinson Sat, 20 Feb 2021 16:05:42 +0000 Franky, what an interesting article you selected and I appreciated your synopsis and reflections. I have an article about the creation of the masculine ideal (via suits in the Prussian Army) that I think you might find interesting and also relates to the ideas of fascism and suits. One of the things I appreciate about this article is that it about a kind of garment culture that explicitly uses symbolism to communicate. Which I believe we all do all the time – yet this article and BDSM garments make that very visible. The relationship of the visuals fascism and BDSM play with control and power is also interesting. Makes me think of this question: What roles do garments play in things/activities/events we consider taboo?

Comment on sneakers, basketball, and hip hop by Olivia Robinson Sat, 20 Feb 2021 15:51:06 +0000 Lee, this is an interesting article. This article really illustrates the power of sub-culture to affect the larger dominant culture that surrounds it (such as hip hop culture affecting American culture in general). It makes me think of a number of questions: where does style come from? where do trends come from? who creates fashion? Do you think the symbolism and meaning of the shoes has remained or has it changed?

Comment on Kimono – Caitlyn by Olivia Robinson Fri, 19 Feb 2021 21:14:41 +0000 Caitlyn, Lee, Franky, Sarah, such interesting questions you are asking based upon the article. How does form and function play a role in fashion is designed? How does the action of dressing affect fashion? Why does one culture have fashions the change dramatically over time and another culture’s clothing has smaller changes? Why does change happen in fashion and garments at all? Why doesn’t it happen more than it does? Lots of food for reflection.

Comment on Cultural Garments – Sarah Xi by Olivia Robinson Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:59:15 +0000 Sarah, this chapter sounds very interesting. It makes me think of a number of questions: where do you think people go on display now-a-days? Where do college students go to go on display? How did class play a role on who went on display? How does class play a role today? This article seems to really illustrate how fashion is used as an art form and also as a form for communicating status, values, class, job, etc. Very nice synopsis as well.

Comment on Fashion Library-Danova by Olivia Robinson Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:52:01 +0000 Donova and Aditi, this article and your reflections make me think of a series of other questions: why do you think gender and sexuality are so monitored, taught, and enforced in U.S. culture? Why is fashion such an important instrument for teaching gender and expressing gender? This article illustrates how powerful clothing is in fundamental elements of our identities – both in formation and in expression.

Comment on Cultural Garments – Jasmine Lee by Olivia Robinson Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:43:35 +0000 Jasmine, your synopsis and reflection full of thought-provoking questions. I also think that the idea of where does fashion come from is complex. Does it arise from sub-culture? Is it top-down from high fashion? From what I have read it seems that it comes a little from both. A sort of struggle between the dominance of the status quo (often of what we perceive as high status) in tension with sub-culture that pushes against the oppressive nature of the status quo. Sounds like this could be fascinating book to read and learn through its study of history.

Comment on Cultural Garments – Ashley Burbano by Olivia Robinson Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:35:12 +0000 Ashley, Silvia, Elise, and Kye, this article angers me too! I have read many articles about how colonialist countries (such as European countries, the U.S., Japan, etc.) have throughout history used the restriction of language, clothing, and religions to control and oppress people. Removing people’s culture is a way of disconnecting them from each other and also forcing them to assimilate to the colonizing power. There are also articles about how people have resisted this too! People have been very inventive about how to keep ties to their cultures in secretive or discreet ways when they have been outlawed.

I have also read articles about “sumptuary laws” in Europe that restricted the kinds of cloth or the colors of cloth that peasants could wear (such as purple was reserved only for royalty and thus became a symbol of royalty). I agree that it is amazing how powerful clothing is, yet it is still frivolous. How does clothing have power today?

Comment on Cultural Garments – Sophia Huang by Olivia Robinson Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:20:34 +0000 Sophia, I appreciate your thinking on the pros and cons of the fashion of the cheongsam. Do you know anyone in or from China? If so, how do they think and feel about the cheongsam and the han fu and western styled clothing? It is so interesting to learn about the history and it makes me curious about contemporary associations with the different garments. Your article shows how clothing carries symbolic, historic, and cultural meaning – and we can see it if we take the time to really look.
