Game Concept Brainstorm

Objective: generate a brainstorm list of 10 project concepts, then detail one with one or more sketches.

Concepts. This ideation exercise is intended to help you open your thinking to the broader expressions possible in a game. The physical implementation of the game is fairly constrained, but the narrative is potentially very broad. Here are some prompts which may help you think of ideas:

  • Is there a dance, gesture, or kinetic expression you wish to explore?
  • Do you have a favorite character or story you wish to evoke?
  • Is there a personal conflict you could transform into a game conflict?
  • Is there a political situation on which you wish to comment?

Please bring a list of ten concepts on paper, a short phrase or sentence for each.

Sketches. Please choose one of your concepts to sketch as an impression. Drawings on 11x17 or larger paper are preferred (two taped 8.5x11 pages are fine). We recommend paper drawings over digital at this stage; the fluidity and approximation of hand-drawing create a generative process which will help you focus on larger ideas without getting caught in minutiae. These drawings will be shared with the class as a means of communicating your idea, not as an subject of critique.