Grouping logical routines together in functions

Perhaps you have a variety of sections of your code.

There’s a section that checks whether a light should be on or off, based on a switch’s state:

int switchState = digitalRead(SWITCHPIN);
digitalWrite(LEDPIN, switchState);

And then a different section that changes a motor’s speed based on the temperature:

int tempRead = analogRead(TEMPPIN);
int tempMapped = map(tempRead, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(MOTORPIN, tempMapped);

These two different small pieces of code could be grouped into functions for your own legibility and convenience. To do that, below the loop(), you can define a new function and put anything you’d like into it, like so:

void adjustLight(){
    int switchState = digitalRead(SWITCHPIN);
    digitalWrite(LEDPIN, switchState);

Once you’ve written the adjustLight() function, you can call it at any time by simply putting the line adjustLight(); into your code. The Arduino will run whatever instructions are inside the brackets of the function.

Just to complete the example, here is how a sketch could be made a bit more legible through the use of functions used to group routines together:

const int SWITCHPIN = 3;
const int LEDPIN = 6;
const int TEMPPIN = A2;
const int MOTORPIN = 5;

void setup(){
    pinMode(SWITCHPIN, INPUT);
    pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(TEMPPIN, INPUT);
    pinMode(MOTORPIN, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
    adjustLight(); // this simply calls the adjustLight() function below
    adjustMotor(); // calls the adjustMotor() function below

void adjustLight(){
    int switchState = digitalRead(SWITCHPIN);
    digitalWrite(LEDPIN, switchState);

void adjustMotor(){
    int tempRead = analogRead(TEMPPIN);
    int tempMapped = map(tempRead, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
    analogWrite(MOTORPIN, tempMapped);

Did you notice that the functions you wrote resemble the two functions we’ve always included in our sketches, namely void loop() and void setup()? That’s because loop() and setup() are actually just functions themselves—they have special “reserved” names which the software interprets to know when, and in what order, they should be run.

Blink without blocking

The basic “Blink” sketch is fine if you only ever want your Arduino just to blink a light. But odds are good you want it to do some other things as well, like read a button, or run some other outputs.

The trick to make this work is to get rid of any long delay() statement, because during delay()s the Arduino generally can’t read inputs or change outputs. (There’s an exception: a special thing called an interrupt can run even during a delay, but it’s a bit tricky to implement and not recommended for beginners. See the Frequency finder sketch below for more information about that.) Code that takes over control for some unreasonable piece of time is called “blocking code.” But there’s a way around it!

The pattern that will be used to “blink without blocking” is:

    if (it has been long enough){
        do something;
        reset the timer;

The way it has been long enough is generally measured uses a special function called millis(): this function always tells you the number of milliseconds since the Arduino powered on. millis() consequently behaves like a clock that’s always ticking up. Calculating the distance (i.e. doing subtraction) between any fixed value of milliseconds and millis() will tell you the interval between those two points in time.

Those are the main ideas of this approach; see below for implementation details.

   Blink Without Blocking

   Demonstrates how to use an "event loop" timer to avoid unnecessary delays in code.
   This sort of form allows you to juggle multiple inputs and outputs more easily.

   The code below will blink the on-board LED every 250 milliseconds, and a second LED
   (on pin 10) every 333 milliseconds. Since there are no delay() statements, these two
   differently-timed events do not interfere with each other.

   Robert Zacharias, 2/2017; updated 9/2018
   released to the public domain by the author

// the "global" variables in this top section can be used by any function in the whole sketch

const int QUARTERLEDPIN = 13; // this varialble will always have this value, so it can be a "const" (constant) variable
const int QUARTERWAIT = 250; // this variable, of type integer, is the number of milliseconds to wait between blinks
unsigned long quarterTimer = 0; // this variable, of type "unsigned long," will help keep track of passing time
bool quarterLightState = LOW; // this variable, of type boolean, will keep track of the current quarter-second LED state

const int THIRDLEDPIN = 10; // LED pluggged into pin 10
const int THIRDWAIT = 333; // a third of a second, in milliseconds
unsigned long thirdTimer = 0; // each event loop needs a unique timer variable
bool thirdLightState = LOW;

void setup() {
  pinMode(QUARTERLEDPIN, OUTPUT); // pin 13 is connected to the on-board LED on an Arduino Uno
  pinMode(THIRDLEDPIN, OUTPUT); // pin 10, according to the definition of THIRDLEDPIN above

void loop() {

  // if it has at least 250 milliseconds since the quarter-second light last changed:
  if ( (millis() - quarterTimer) >= QUARTERWAIT ) { // millis() is always the number of milliseconds since the Arduino powered up
    quarterLightState = !quarterLightState; // this will "toggle" the value of "quarterStateLight" to its opposite
    quarterTimer = millis(); // reset the timer before exiting the function.
  // (if it has *not* been long enough, the control will just go past the if statement)

  // if it has at least 330 milliseconds since the third-of-a-second light last changed:
  if ( (millis() - thirdTimer) >= THIRDWAIT ) { // millis() is always the number of milliseconds since the Arduino powered up
    thirdLightState = !thirdLightState; // this will "toggle" the value of "quarterStateLight" to its opposite
    thirdTimer = millis(); // reset the timer before exiting the function.

  digitalWrite(QUARTERLEDPIN, quarterLightState); // will make the LED to either go on or off, depending on the value of "quarterLight"
  digitalWrite(THIRDLEDPIN, thirdLightState);

[download this code]

Formatting useful Serial feedback

You can find out what’s on an Arduino’s mind—you just have to know how to ask.

Below are some different ways of getting the Arduino to send data to the computer. In every case, to view the serial data coming from your Arduino, go to Tools –> Serial Monitor in the Arduino software. You may also use Tools –> Serial Plotter to see a plot (graph) of the data over time.


If you want to know the current value of a single variable like potVal, you just need to include somewhere in the setup() the command Serial.begin(9600): this will turn on the Arduino’s serial data transmission capability and prepare it to send information to you at a rate of 9,600 bits per second (the default value).

To send the actual data, simply write the line Serial.println(potVal). This command means: print the data to the serial monitor, and then make a new line after it. A short-and-sweet version of this is as follows:

void setup(){

void loop(){
    int potVal = analogRead(A0);
    delay(50); // just to slow down the torrent of data a bit

The output of this, as seen in the Serial Monitor, will look something like:


(Depending entirely on what the actual values of potVal are.)

Chaining Serial.print() statements

But sometimes you may want to know more than one single variable’s value. You may want to print the potVal as well as the lightVal, for instance. And you’d also want to know which is which! Let’s say you want an output like this:

    potVal = 879, lightVal = 203
    potVal = 899, lightVal = 205
    potVal = 1002, lightVal = 215
    potVal = 1010, lightVal = 217

You can chain together Serial.print() statements to write the instructions piece by piece:

Serial.print("potVal = ");
Serial.print(", lightval = ");
Serial.print(lightVal); // see below for why this one line is iffy!

There’s just one problem with the above formulation: you’ll get the whole line of text in a single row, one after another like this:

    potVal = 879, lightVal = 203potVal = 899, lightVal = 205potVal = 1002, lightVal = 215potVal = 1010, lightVal = 217

To make a new line, you can always use Serial.println() (notice the ln at the end). In this case, you’ll only need to use this on the final command in the sequence:

Serial.print("potVal = ");
Serial.print(", lightval = ");

A locally scoped variable that remembers its last value


In C, variables only are accessible from inside the scope (which you can think of as brackets) in which they were created, or in any sub-scope of the one they were created in. For instance, this won’t work:

void setup(){
    int val = 10;

void loop(){
    int num = val * 5;

Because val was created in a different function than the loop(), it’s not available to be used in the loop(). (The error that the Arduino IDE will give you when you try to compile the above is “‘val’ was not declared in this scope.”)

One way to solve this probem is to declare variables in the “global scope,” which means outside of any function. These variables can be accessed by any function at all, including the functions loop() and setup(). The standard form is to declare global variables above the setup(). Rewriting the prior example with global variables instead of local ones:

int val;
int num;

void setup(){
    val = 10;

void loop(){
    num = val * 5;

This compiles without any error.

Keeping values local

If you initialize a variable in the loop(), then it’s going to keep getting reset to that initial value every time the loop() runs. For instance, in:

void loop(){
    int x = 0;

You might think that x is going to keep getting bigger as the loop runs, but actually it will never get bigger than 1. (It will start as 0, then increment to 1, and then get reset to 0 next time the loop restarts.)

There is a way around this, though: using the keyword static. This will essentially initialize the variable in the scope you want only once, and from there on out it will remember its value. Returning to the boring example from above, we can still keep x’s scope inside the loop() and add the static keyword when declaring the variable, like so:

void loop(){
    static int x = 0;

Because it’s static, that x is going to keep incrementing over and over, reaching tragically for the stars. (Tragic because once it hits 32,767 on an Arduino Uno all its little dreams will be shattered.1)

Who cares? Well, it’s a very good habit to limit variables to the smallest possible scope. for loops are most usually written like this:

for (int i = 0; i++; i<10)

Note that i is being initialized inside of for. You could also achieve the same result like this:

int i = 0;
for (i; i++; i<10)

And it would probably work just fine. But! If some other math at some point touched that i and changed its value, it could screw up your for loop. To avoid that sort of uncertainty (called a side effect in computer science), it’s best to make variables with the smallest possible scope.

Windowed moving average filter

Often you will wire up a sensor to your Arduino and find that the readings you get seem noisy. The individual values change from reading to reading, but they are all in the same ballpark. As you can see in the data below, there is a general trend, but the individual readings don’t follow that trend perfectly. In this case you might want to filter your data so that you can determine what the data’s general trend is.

Unfiltered data. There is a general trend that stays somewhat level, rises, and then slowly tapers back down, but there is lots of noise in the data, which appears jagged. The data is represented by a blue trace.

One of the easiest filters is the windowed moving average filter. This filter simply remembers the last few sensor readings (the readings in the “window”) and averages them to get the filtered value.

The size of the window has a large effect on how the filter performs. The larger the window, the more readings will be averaged, and thus the smoother the filtered value will be. However, a larger window will also make the filtered value respond to changes in the data slower. You can see the results of a moving average filter on a dataset in the four images below (Red is the moving average, Blue is the raw data):

Windowed moving average with window size of 2 samples. A blue jagged line is followed rather closely by a red jagged line. They are not precisely coincident, but frequently overlap exactly.

Windowed moving average with window size of 5 samples. A blue jagged line is followed in its local trends by a red jagged line. The red line is nearly always within the local envelope of the blue line but has a jaggedness of a much smaller amplitude.

Windowed moving average with window size of 20 samples. A blue jagged line is traced by a red line, which is considerably smoother than the blue. Its vertical amplitude is something like 1/20 of the blue's movement.

Windowed moving average with window size of 100 samples. A blue jagged line is traced by a red line, which is a very smoothed version. At the leftmost part of the red line there are some sharp peaks, and the rest of it is quite smooth, departing very significantly from the blue line's trend when the blue suddenly jumps up for a period about a fifth of the total graph width.

An important thing to keep in mind when using windowed moving average filters is that a sensor reading only affects the average while it is in the filters window. As it leaves the window, its influence drops from 1/numSamples to 0 immediately. If that sensor reading is a very high or low outlier, your average may suddenly change when that sensor reading drops out of the window.


  Reads repeatedly from an analog input, calculating a running average and
  printing it to the computer. Keeps ten readings in an array and continually
  averages them.

  The circuit:
  - analog sensor (potentiometer will do) attached to analog input 0

  created 22 Apr 2007
  by David A. Mellis  <>
  modified 9 Apr 2012
  by Tom Igoe
  modified 21 Jan 2018
  by Joseph Paetz

  This example code is in the public domain.

 * Global variables in this section can be used by any function in the whole sketch
// Define the number of samples to keep track of. The higher the number, the
// more the readings will be smoothed, but the slower the output will respond to
// the input. Using a constant rather than a normal variable lets us use this
// value to determine the size of the readings array.
const int NUM_READINGS = 10;

// the readings from the analog input. This is an array of type int (essentially a list of integers)
// The number of integers the array can hold is between the square brackets, in this case NUM_READINGS
int readings[NUM_READINGS];  

// the index of the current reading (The location in the readings array where we will write the next reading
// (remember that the first element in an array is actually at index 0) 
int readIndex = 0;              
int total = 0;                  // the running total of all readings in the readings array
int average = 0;                // the average
const int SENSOR_PIN = A0;              // the sensor's pin

void setup() {
  // Setup the Serial port at a speed of 9600 baud (bits per second)
  // initialize all the integers in the readings array to 0, since values in an array
  // may not be 0 at the start of the sketch. 
  // Since the array will be all zeros at the start of the loop, the filtered value will
  // be influenced by these zeros (and likely innacurate as a result) until we get enough
  // sensor readings to fill the array with actual values.
  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < NUM_READINGS; thisReading++) {
    readings[thisReading] = 0;

void loop() {
  // subtract the last reading which is at the current readIndex, and which
  // we are about to overwrite:
  total = total - readings[readIndex];
  // read from the sensor:
  readings[readIndex] = analogRead(SENSOR_PIN);

  // add the reading to the total
  // If you have more readings, this may cause total to overflow
  total = total + readings[readIndex];
  // advance to the next position in the array:
  readIndex = readIndex + 1;

  // if we're at the end of the array (aka readIndex is too large to refer to a position in the readings array)
  if (readIndex >= NUM_READINGS) {
    // wrap around to the beginning:
    readIndex = 0;

  // calculate the average 
  //Since we are dividing two variables with int data types, this will truncate any decimal part of the average 
  //in order to leave us with an integer result
  average = total / NUM_READINGS;
  // send it to the computer as ASCII digits
  delay(50);        // delay in between reads for stability

Exponential moving average filter

Another way to implement a moving average filter is the exponential moving average. This filter is simpler to implement, but has slightly different behavior than the windowed moving average.

The exponential moving average is kind of like the average of the new sensor reading with the previously calculated average. The exact equation is:

new_average = (previous_average * x) + (sensor_reading * (1 - x))

x in the equation above is a weighting factor that is usually used to weight the previous average more than the sensor reading. The following graphs show raw data (blue) and the data filtered with an exponential moving average (red). The number in parentheses at the top of each graph is the value of x for each of the filters. As you can see, a higher value for x is somewhat like a larger window for the windowed moving average. The filtered value is smoother but responds slower to changes in the data.

Exponential moving average with x = 0.5. Graph showing unfiltered data, a jagged blue line, with a slightly-filtered overlay red line. The two lines are very similar.

Exponential moving average with x = 0.8. Graph showing unfiltered data, a jagged blue line, with a somewhat-filtered overlay red line; as the blue jumps up and down, the red is somewhat tempered and more steady, though it remains basically within the envelope of the last ~5 data points.

Exponential moving average with x = 0.95. Graph showing unfiltered data, a jagged blue line, with a filtered overlay red line; as the blue jumps up and down, the red is  tempered and more steady. As the blue makes a particularly large jump, the red line departs significantly from it towards the right end of the graph.

Exponential moving average with x = 0.99. Graph showing unfiltered data, a jagged blue line, with a filtered overlay red line; as the blue jumps up and down, the red is  very steady. As the blue makes a particularly large jump, red remains outside of its envelope for many readings in a row since it is a very "strong" averaging.

While the exponential and windowed moving averages behave similarly, they have different characteristics. Importantly, in an exponential moving average, a sensor value will theoretically influence the average forever, with its influence getting smaller each loop. This is different from the windowed moving average where the influence of a sensor reading stays constant while it is in the window and then drops to 0.

 * Exponential Decay Filter
 * Demonstrates how to implement an exponential decay filter.
 * In this example, analog readings from pin A0 will be filtered.
 * The circuit:
 *  - analog sensor (potentiometer will do) attached to analog input 0
 * Joseph Paetz 1/2018
 * released to the public domain by the author

// "global" variables in this section can be used by any function in the whole sketch
float filtered_val = 0;  // this variable, of type float (decimal), holds the filtered sensor value
const float PREV_WEIGHT = 0.8; // this variable, of type float (decimal), determines the previously filtered value's weight.
const float CUR_WEIGHT = 1 - PREV_WEIGHT; // this variable, of type float (decimal), determines the current sample's weight.
const int SENSOR_PIN = A0; // this variable, of type int, determines the sensor's pin.

void setup() {
  // Setup the Serial port at a speed of 9600 baud (bits per second)

  // We want to initialize the filtered value with an actual reading (instead of zero) 
  // so the filtered value does not need to "ramp up" from zero to the average reading.
  // We could not do this above since code can only be executed within functions.
  filtered_val = analogRead(SENSOR_PIN);

  // Print the intial value so we can see it
  Serial.print("initial filtered value: ");

void loop() {
  // This local variable of type float will store the current sensor reading.
  // We use a float because we will be multiplying it by a float later.
  float cur_reading;

  // We can convert the integer value returned by analogRead to a float by casting it
  cur_reading = (float)analogRead(SENSOR_PIN);

  // Calculate the next filtered value
  filtered_val = filtered_val * PREV_WEIGHT + cur_reading * CUR_WEIGHT;

  // Print the filtered value so we can see it
  Serial.print("filtered value: ");

  // Delay a little bit so we are not reading the sensor quite so fast

One subtlety to keep in mind: you may want (or not want) to run the smoothing function at a different rate than the data acquisition happens. In the above code, each time a new data point is recorded by cur_reading = (float)analogRead(SENSOR_PIN);, the smoothing runs once: filtered_val = filtered_val * PREV_WEIGHT + cur_reading * CUR_WEIGHT;. This is because they’re both in the same functional loop, right on top of each other. But it would be possible to set the filtering function to run independently from the data acquisition, for instance by using the Blink without blocking paradigm to trigger one or the other action. If you filtered much faster than acquired data, then the filter would smooth much more, acting as if the incoming data was itself smooth (because it would keep reusing the last reported datum). On the other hand, if you let two data points in a row come in before running the filter, the older one would be totally ignored since this algorithm cares only about the most recent datum. In practice the easiest way to avoid either of these cases is to do data acquisition and filtering sequentially, as the example above does.

Frequency finder sketch

If you have a device producing a fast oscillation on a pin, you may want to have a reliable way of counting that oscillation and calculating its frequency. The “Frequency finder” sketch below uses an interrupt, a special electronic facility of the Arduino, to achieve that goal. Interrupts are especially well-suited to counting something that happens very quickly; see the comments in the code below for more information and explanation.

   Frequency finder: assumes a square-wave digital signal on an input pin
   (pin 2 specifically) and computes an exponential running average of the
   frequency of the oscillation of that signal, reported in hertz.

   Because it's using the Arduino's interrupt capability, this counter is
   able to run fairly quickly, and should be able to be used for signals
   in the ~kilohertz range. (This is not tested as of this writing!)

   How it works:
   An "interrupt" pin (a pin with the ability to detect electrical changes at a
   high rate, even while other code is running) is assigned. Whenever pin 2's
   signal goes from 0V to 5V, the "Interrupt Service Routine" (ISR) is immediately
   called, which here runs a function called readPulse(). That function simply
   increments a counter. Every TIMERWAIT milliseconds (the user can change this value),
   the number of increments since the last check is calculated; the instantaneous
   frequency is simply the number of pulses divided by TIMERWAIT in seconds.

   The running average of the frequency of oscillation (in hertz) is stored in
   the variable called "averagedFreq." If the global variable "SERIALFEEDBACK" is
   declared as "true" then the value of "averagedFreq" will be reported to the
   serial monitor every "WAIT" milliseconds, which is useful for debugging. You may
   also use a different piece of software (such as Matlab, Mathematica, etc.) to read
   this value for analysis, storage, control, etc.

   by Robert Zacharias,
   Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
   released to the public domain by the author, 2018

// set SERIALFEEDBACK to true to return serial feedback (optional)
const bool SERIALFEEDBACK = true;

const int SERIALWAIT = 100; // milliseconds between serial prints

// milliseconds between: 1) calculating new instanteous frequency and 2) performing
// exponential smoothing operation including that new data point
const int TIMERWAIT = 100;

// This variable is used to calculate the exponential running average:
// higher OLDWEIGHT means *more* smoothing operates, and lower OLDWEIGHT means
// the newly arrived data points have more weight, i.e. *less* smoothing.
// (0 ≤ OLDWEIGHT ≤ 1)
const float OLDWEIGHT = 0.9;

// do not reassign this pin casually; it needs to be an interrupt-capable pin
const byte READPIN = 2;

// volatile data type needed for the count because its value will be affected by the ISR
volatile unsigned long count;

float averagedFreq, instantaneousFreq; // variables to store frequency data
unsigned long timer; // variable to store last time the frequency calculator ran

void setup() {

  // setup pin 2 as the input for the device
  pinMode(READPIN, INPUT);

  //  assign pin 2 as an "interrupt" pin. In this case, every time a "rising"
  //  signal is seen on pin 2 (i.e. going from 0V to 5V), the function called
  //  readPulse() will immediately run. That function is defined below the loop().
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(READPIN), readPulse, RISING);


void loop() {

  // every TIMERWAIT milliseconds, calculate new instantaneous frequency
  // and run the exponential smoothing operation with that new data
  if (millis() - timer > TIMERWAIT) {
    static unsigned long lastCount;

    // the variable "count" will be incremented by the ISR function, "readPulse()"
    unsigned long countDiff = count - lastCount;

    // convert from frequency per TIMERWAIT milliseconds to frequency per second
    instantaneousFreq = countDiff * (1000 / TIMERWAIT);

    // the exponential smoothing operation
    averagedFreq = (averagedFreq * OLDWEIGHT) + (instantaneousFreq * (1.0 - OLDWEIGHT));

    // reset counter and timer for next time this if() runs
    lastCount = count;
    timer = millis();

     User can insert whatever function(s) they'd like based on averagedFreq.
     For instance:

     To calculate a flow rate through a pipe with a hall-effect flow sensor:

        float flowrate = averagedFreq * VALUE;

      where VALUE is an empirically determined constant associated with that particular
      piece of hardware.


        if (averagedFreq > 150) {
          something that is triggered at any higher frequency than 150Hz
        else if (averagedFreq > 100) {
          something that's triggered when (100Hz < averagedFreq ≤ 150Hz)
        else {
          something that's triggered when (averagedFreq ≤ 100Hz)


  // optional serial feedback will print the averageFreq every SERIALWAIT milliseconds
    static unsigned long lastDebugPrint = 0;
    if (millis() - lastDebugPrint > SERIALWAIT) {
      lastDebugPrint = millis();

// the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) that is called whenever pin 2 transitions 0V -> 5V
void readPulse() {

[download this code]


  1. That number, 32,767, is the largest value of type int that an Arduino Uno is able to store. If you ask the Arduino Uno to solve the seemingly simple math problem 32767 + 1, it will answer –32768; this is because you’re causing it to “roll over” from the largest-possible int to the smallest-possible one. This Wikipedia article explains what’s going on.