10 May 2024

Grading  &  Awarding Policies

  1. Your project grades mainly consist of two parts: Auto Grade and Peer Grade, and there are some possible bonus points and penalties. Auto Grade and Peer Grade both contribute 10 points, for a maximum of 20 points.
  2. Peer grading begins right after the submission deadline and is open for typically one week.
  3. Everything submitted must be anonymous, or you will lose some points in peer grading.
  4. Follow instructions to grade others’ projects and be constructive. Comments are necessary. If you submit a superfluous peer grade (e.g. a high score when the project had major, clearly obvious errors, or a score with no feedback), we reserve the right to delete this peer review, which will affect your own project score.
  5. For each project (except Project 0), your Project Grade is calculated as follows:
    Let A = the autograde assigned by ATutor for your latest submission
    Let P = the median of all grades from your peers through peer-grading
    Let T = the peer-grade from a TA
    Let N = the number of students YOU peer-graded for the project assignment
    Let L = the late factor ranging from starting at 1.0 at the project deadline and linearly decreasing to 0.5 at the end of the late deadline (typically 6 days later)
    Let B = peer-grading “bonus”, where B = N-3 if N > 3; B = 1-N/3 if N <= 3.
    Then, your project grade will be computed as ( A + (P+T)/2 + B ) * L.
    (NOTE: The instructors have the option to override the peer/TA mean with their own score if necessary.)

Some details about grading are given below:

  1. You may submit as many times as you’d like, but we will grade and peer-grade only the last submission. Late submission will result in a penalty (even if you submitted on time earlier). You should upload your project before the deadlines listed for each project. Between the submission deadline and the day prior to the deadline of peer grading, you can still submit your project. The penalty increases daily from 0% to 50% during this late period and is applied after all other grade calculations.
  2. You have 3 grace days for late submissions. Grace are automatically assigned to late submissions until all 3 are used, and the result of using a grace day is to move the effective submission time one day earlier. Grace days cannot be used to submit a project after the late submission period, which ends 24 hours before the peer grading deadline.
  3. The grades will be released by the instructor. If you have any questions about your grades, please read the above policies carefully. You are encouraged to ask your teaching assistant if you do not understand your grade. If you think that something has been graded incorrectly, you should post a private message on Piazza within 3 days of the grade release and state clearly why you think your grade is incorrect. The instructors have final say on any regrade requests.
  4. If the instructors determine that you have committed an academic integrity violation on a project, your grade on the project will be -20 and your actions will be reported to the University. See the course academic integrity policy for details.