Author Archives: jmarsico

Registering your Raspberry Pi with CMU

Find your Pi’s hardware address open a terminal session on pi: either directly on the rPi or through SSH. type ifconfig look for the wlan0 section and copy the HWaddr (it will look something like b8:27:eb:3e:cf:b9) copy this address someplace handy;

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Registering your Raspberry Pi with CMU

Find your Pi’s hardware address open a terminal session on pi: either directly on the rPi or through SSH. type ifconfig look for the wlan0 section and copy the HWaddr (it will look something like b8:27:eb:3e:cf:b9) copy this address someplace handy;

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Program UDOO Arduino from External Computer

Compiling Arduino code on the UDOO is much slower than compiling on your laptop. Writing and compiling Arduino sketches on your laptop and then uploading them to the onboard UDOO Due will speed up your development process. To make this


Program UDOO Arduino from External Computer

Compiling Arduino code on the UDOO is much slower than compiling on your laptop. Writing and compiling Arduino sketches on your laptop and then uploading them to the onboard UDOO Due will speed up your development process. To make this