3.14. Project 1 Peer Evaluation Form

The deliverable for each project includes a brief peer evaluation response to be submitted confidentially. Please answer the following questions in your evaluation.

  1. Overall were you satisfied with the group dynamic of your team (why or why not)?
  2. What were some of the collective strengths and weaknesses of your group?
  3. How do you think your performance on the project compared to your teammates? Where was your primary contribution(s) to the project (concept, execution, or documentation)?
  4. Briefly evaluate the quality and quantity of your teammates’ effort. Where was their primary contribution(s) to the project (concept, execution, documentation)? What overall grade would you assign each team member?
    1. Name:
    2. Name:
  5. Take a moment to provide feedback on the project and its delivery. What elements of the project need work? Logistically, what would help the project run more smoothly?

3.15. Project 2 Peer Evaluation Form

The Project 2 Peer Evaluation Form is presented as a short survey on Blackboard.