This is another iteration of the previous assignment. The robots come into action during the day, and sleep during the night. So, shining some light on to a photo sensor makes them more active! When the amount of light is reduced, they go to sleep!
#include <Servo.h> ; // The wiring assignment. #define SERVO_PIN 9 #define SENSORPIN 0 Servo servoSmall; Servo servoBig; Servo servoMed; void setup() { // Initialize the serial UART at 9600 bits per second. Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize the Servo object to use the given pin for output. servoSmall.attach(SERVO_PIN); servoBig.attach(7); servoMed.attach(5); } void loop() { int sensorPhoto = analogRead(SENSORPIN); Serial.println(sensorPhoto); int timeDelay = 100; int smooth = 30 ; int sweepA = map(sensorPhoto, 400,950,20,130); int startA = 90 - sweepA /2; int endA = 90 + sweepA / 2; for (int i = startA; i <= endA; i=i + smooth) { servoSmall.write(i/4); servoBig.write(i); servoMed.write(i/2); delay(timeDelay); } for (int i = endA; i <= startA; i=i + smooth) { servoSmall.write(i/4); servoBig.write(i); servoMed.write(i/2); delay(timeDelay); } }
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