9.2. Day 2: (Aug 31) Basic Circuits Tutorial

Notes for 2016-08-31. See also the Fall 2016 Calendar.

9.2.1. Notes from Day 1

  • Questions?
  • So, what was the most important lesson for you?
  • Vocabulary
    1. microcontroller
    2. compiler
    3. IDE
    4. function call
    5. variable, parameter, argument
    6. integer
    7. global versus local (‘automatic’)
    8. baud rate
    9. serial port, serial monitor
    10. PWM
    11. period, frequency
    12. units: milliseconds, microseconds, millivolts, volts
    13. ADC
    14. digital vs analog
    15. reference documentation

9.2.2. Agenda

  1. Administrative
    • Mutual introductions. Everybody should meet everyone.
    • Card access.
    • Closing doors.
    • Policies.
  2. Assignments
    • Finish the ‘Arduino IDE and Programming’ exercises on your own.
    • Arduino tutorials (as needed).
  3. In-class

Table Of Contents

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9.1. Day 1: (Aug 29) Introduction

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9.3. Day 3: (Sep 7) Interviews, Circuits