These notes are meant to accompany an in-class tutorial presentation, and may
not necessarily stand alone. For general reference, see also
Mechanical Behavior.
Image: Stanford OpenArm
Image: Planetary Gear by Rob Ives
Image: joinery example from Makezine
Image: basic pivot joint
This is a quick take on practical mechanical design techniques for machines we
will fabricate using the laser cutters. First, some terminology:
- plate, gusset, I-beam
- truss
- interference fit (or press fit)
- free fit
- snap fit, tabs and slots
- degree of freedom (DOF)
- joint
- hinge or pivot (rotational joint, 1 DOF)
- translational joint (linear joint, 1 DOF)
- universal joint (two pivots, 2 DOF)
- ball joint (spherical joint, 3 DOF)
- flexure
- choosing a 2D or 3D drawing program with DXF output in millimeters
- flat stock
- designing in layers
- designing with right angles
- joinery to create 3D from 2D parts
- kerf
- sharp inside corners
- tolerance and precision
- materials
- acrylic
- cardboard
- thin plywood
- paper
- fabric, leather, Delrin (acetal)
- fasteners (screw, nut, bolt)
- adhesives
- Dave Touretzky’s 15-294 Laser Cutter Intro
There is so much great material online related to basic laser cutting technique
that I won’t attempt to replicate it here, instead I’ll link to other sources: