This demo uses an array of LEDs and two sets of speakers. As there are 12 different steps in an octave, I used 4 LEDs to represent the steps, leaving 4 undefined light combinations.  Different songs can be programmed in to the code.

Tech Excercise music Sequencer

// MusicSequenceDemo.ino : demonstrate generation of two simultaneous tones at different rates and patterns

// The example program generates audio-frequency square waves at different
// pitches and patterns on pins 4 and 5 to demonstrate an event-loop control
// structure allowing parallel execution of multiple timed tasks with pattern
// generation.

// Define the pin numbers on which the outputs are generated.
const int outputPin1 = 4;
const int outputPin2 = 5;

//Define LED outputs
const int outputPin3 = 7;
const int outputPin4 = 8;
const int outputPin5 = 9;
const int outputPin6 = 10;

int outputPins[4] = {outputPin3, outputPin4, outputPin5, outputPin6};
// Define the rhythm patterns for the two outputs using a simple pattern language.

// Note values:
// G = high pitch
// C = low pitch
// R = rest

// Note durations:
// q = quarter note
// e = eighth note
// s = sixteenth note

// A note value symbol affects the pitch generated by the successive note duration symbols.
// Any unknown symbol (including spaces) are ignored.

const char *rhythm1 = "fs Rs fs Rs Es Rs fs Rs As Rs Es Rs fs Rs fs Rs";
const char *rhythm2 = "Cs Rs Cs Rs Cs Rs Cs Rs Ge Re Ge Re";
const char *rhythm3 = "fq Rq fq Rq Ee Re fe Re Ae Re Ee Re fq Rq fe Rq";

// Define the timing constants for the rhythmic elements.
const long quarter_duration = 500000; // 120 bpm

// Define the timing constants for the audio output.
//A3 is 1e6/(440)=2273
const long A3_half_period = 2273;

bool a_Lights [4] = {false, false, false, true};
//A#3 is 1 step down from A3= 233.08, half period is
const long AS3_half_period = 2145;

bool aS_Lights [4] = {false, false, true, false};
//B3 is 2 steps down from A3= 246.94
const long B3_half_period = 2025;

bool b_Lights [4] = {false, false, true, true};
// The low pitch is middle-C, the high pitch is the G a fifth above it. Given
// A3 of 220 Hz and equal temperament, middle C4 has a frequency
// 220*pow(2, 3.0/12) = 261.626 Hz.

// The half-period in microseconds is 1e6/(2*261.626), rounded to an integer:
const long C4_half_period = 1911;

bool c_Lights [4] = {false, true, false, false};

const long CS4_half_period = 1804;

bool cS_Lights [4] = {false, true, false, true};

const long D4_half_period = 1703;

bool d_Lights [4] = {false, true, true, false};

const long DS4_half_period = 1607;

bool dS_Lights [4] = {false, true, true, true};

const long E4_half_period = 1517;

bool e_Lights [4] = {true, false, false, false};

const long F4_half_period = 1432;

bool f_Lights [4] = {true, false, false, true};

const long FS4_half_period = 1351;

bool fS_Lights [4] = {true, false, true, false};
// The just intonation ratio for a musical fifth is 3/2, so
// G4 = 1.5*261.626 = 392.438 Hz, and the half period duration in
// microseconds is 1e6/(2*392.438): G4_half_period
const long G4_half_period = 1274;

bool g_Lights [4] = {true, false, true, true};

const long GS4_half_period = 1204;

bool gS_Lights [4] = {true, true, false, false};


void LEDflip(bool lights[4])

for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {

if(lights[i]==true) {
digitalWrite(outputPins[i], HIGH);
digitalWrite(outputPins[i], LOW);
// C++ class to generate a rhythmic sound pattern on a single output.
class MelodyGenerator {

// number of the pin to use for output
int output_pin;

// current output state
int output_value;

/// the time elapsed in microseconds since the last waveform update occurred
unsigned long tone_elapsed;

/// the time elapsed in microseconds since the last pattern update occurred
unsigned long pattern_elapsed;

// interval between output waveform transitions in microseconds
long tone_interval;

// flag which indicates that no tone is generated
bool resting;

// interval between pattern transitions in microseconds
long pattern_interval;

// current pattern string
const char *pattern_string;

// current position within the pattern string
int pattern_pos;


// Constructor to initialize an instance of the class. This does not
// configure the hardware, only the internal state.
MelodyGenerator( int pin, const char *pattern );

// Update function to be called as frequently as possible to generate the
// output. It requires the number of microseconds elapsed since the last
// update.
void update(long interval);

// Constructor for an instance of the class.
MelodyGenerator::MelodyGenerator(int pin, const char *pattern)
// initialize the state variables
output_pin = pin;
output_value = LOW;

tone_elapsed = 0;
pattern_elapsed = 0;

tone_interval = C4_half_period;
resting = false;

pattern_interval = quarter_duration;

pattern_string = pattern;
pattern_pos = 0;


// Update polling function for an instance of the class.
void MelodyGenerator::update(long interval)
// Check whether the next transition time has been reached, and if so, update
// the state and hardware output.
tone_elapsed += interval;

if (tone_elapsed >= tone_interval) {

// Reset the timer according to the desired interval to produce a correct
// average rate even if extra time has passed.
tone_elapsed -= tone_interval;

// Update the output pin to generate the audio waveform.
output_value = !output_value;

if (!resting) {
digitalWrite( output_pin, output_value);
} else {
digitalWrite( output_pin, LOW);


// Check whether the pattern interval has expired.
pattern_elapsed += interval;

if (pattern_elapsed >= pattern_interval) {
pattern_elapsed -= pattern_interval;

// Process one or more symbols from the rhythm pattern. This will process
// any note value symbols until a note duration symbol is reached.
for(;;) {
char next_symbol = pattern_string[pattern_pos];

// Advance counter to next pattern string position.

// if the next symbol is the end of the string, recycle to the beginning.
if (next_symbol == 0) {
pattern_pos = 0;

} else if (next_symbol == 'G') {
tone_interval = G4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'A') {
tone_interval = A3_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'B') {
tone_interval = B3_half_period;
resting = false;


} else if (next_symbol == 'C') {
tone_interval = C4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'D') {
tone_interval = D4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'E') {
tone_interval = E4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'F') {
tone_interval = F4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'a') {
tone_interval = AS3_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'c') {
tone_interval = CS4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'd') {
tone_interval = DS4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'f') {
tone_interval = FS4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'g') {
tone_interval = GS4_half_period;
resting = false;

} else if (next_symbol == 'R') {
resting = true;

} else if (next_symbol == 'q') {
pattern_interval = quarter_duration;
break; // leave the symbol-reading loop

} else if (next_symbol == 'e') {
pattern_interval = quarter_duration / 2;
break; // leave the symbol-reading loop

} else if (next_symbol == 's') {
pattern_interval = quarter_duration / 4;
break; // leave the symbol-reading loop

} else {
// all other symbols are ignored

// Global variables.
// Declare two instances of the pattern generator.

MelodyGenerator generator1( outputPin1, rhythm1 );
MelodyGenerator generator2( outputPin2, rhythm3 );

// The timestamp in microseconds for the last polling cycle, used to compute
// the exact interval between output updates.
unsigned long last_update_clock = 0;

// This function is called once after reset to initialize the program.
void setup()
// Initialize two digital output pins, one for each pattern generator.
pinMode( outputPin1, OUTPUT );
pinMode( outputPin2, OUTPUT );

pinMode(outputPin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputPin4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputPin5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outputPin6, OUTPUT);

// This function is called repeatedly as fast as possible from within the
// built-in library to poll program events.

void loop()
// The timestamp in microseconds for the last polling cycle, used to compute
// the exact interval between output updates.
static unsigned long last_update_clock = 0;

// Read the microsecond clock.
unsigned long now = micros();

// Compute the time elapsed since the last poll. This will correctly handle wrapround of
// the 32-bit long time value given the properties of twos-complement arithmetic.
unsigned long interval = now - last_update_clock;
last_update_clock = now;

// update the pattern generators