What technical limitations did you discover during the visit?
Our visit showed us that the crank mechanism and the elastics holding up the base of the building were too fragile.
In what ways did children and adults find a moment of delight in your project?
Both children and adults were attracted by the brightly colored straws and connectors. Despite the crank being broken early on, many families still came to the table to build and play.
What aspects of the observed interactions were surprising to you?
We were surprised as to how many adults were interested in playing with the straws and connectors. When families came to the table, the adults were having just as much fun playing as the children were.
What are additional or different interaction features which would help visitors perceive more of the delight, magic, function, or purpose?
A brighter, more visible, and more exciting LED display would help visitors understand the vibrations they are causing in the table and encourage them to create stronger earthquakes.
How does this visit change your vision of the fully realized project?
We have a better understanding of the different ways children initially interact with our table. They are much stronger and physically involved than we had previously expected.
Revision Plan
What will it take to resolve known technical limitations?
We will have consider redesigning our crank mechanism to handle the wear and tear of child play. We will also have to reinforce the elastics holding the vibrating platform (putting a lower bound to the platform so kids can connect the base easier).
How does the fundamental experience need to be modified?
We learned that the pieces were able to slip through the 1 inch gap around the vibrating platform, so we need to modify the table to minimize straw loss.
What new capability will you add beyond the initial objectives?
We are going to add a more engaging LED seismometer display. Ideally, it will be a more interesting array of LEDs rather than a linear color range.
