Currently,  a light-responsive vehicle is implemented. Two photocells are used to detect the light and the differences in their readings are computed to determine the direction the vehicle will turn. The wheel on the left will slow down when the light source is on the left side, and the wheel on the right will slow down when the light source is on the right side. This would prompt the vehicle to turn in the direction of the light source.

Initially, the idea was to use an arduino trinket to implement the light-responsive behavior so that the size of the vehicle would be minimized. The vehicle itself is meant to be a platform to place an insect sculpture. However, implementing the arduino trinket didn’t work out so alternatively, a larger though equally cheap Elegoo UNO R3 will be used as a substitute.

Nonetheless, the size of the platform vehicle still needs to be greatly reduced. This can be done by using a 9V battery instead of 4 AA batteries, 2 motor-driven front wheels and a free rotation back wheel, and one breadboard for each unit. These components will be contained in an acrylic box that will be moved by significantly smaller-sized wheels. Insect sculptures (each with some unique moving mechanism if time permitted) can then be placed on these mobile units. The insect sculptures themselves will be made with origami and LEDS.  All of the insect sculptures would be placed in a greater transparent container to prevent destruction.

The plan now would be to implement the mobile platforms this week and then the insect sculptures next week for phase 2. Currently expecting 4 sculptures and one more if time permitted.