Part nostalgia and part fun this machine uses a catapult-like motion to propel a sticky hand forward at a high enough velocity to adhere itself to a surface. While not necessarily the most innovative use of an Arduino or servo motor the machine is guaranteed to produce amusement from all who witness its jolting motions. Possible applications or modifications that could be made in further iterations include the use of a motor with a faster velocity to allow the sticky hand to stretch out enough upon impact to pull the entire machine forward, the attachment of a second servo motor to prevent the motion of the wheels as the arm is slinging forward, and/or interchangeable attachments to apply the catapult motion to more practical applications such as marble slinging or shuttlecock throwing.

Servo my_Servo;
const float chunk = 10;

void setup()

void loop()


  for (int angle =170 ; angle >= 30; angle = angle-chunk) {


