I was observing the anime simulation outside the gravity room. Most kids who were interested in this device is about 7-8 years old. Usually they come with their parents so 3-4 people at a time. The thing I noticed is that kinds younger than 7-8 years old is much less interested in this device. And people tend to go away when there is more than 4 people at a time. However, this is expected because the anime simulation can do at most three characters at a time.

I think the interaction between characters is the most interesting fact to the kids. First the device will detect the motion of the kids and let the characters do the exactly same thing. In addition, the characters in the anime can react if they were hit by another character. Kids usually laugh when they were playing with a another kid and they bot used the character in the screen to interact with each other. However, not all the features are attractive. For example, the ability to pick up something in the screen is not interesting to the kids. The task is a little hard for them to complete so actually many of them did not notice that. In addition, the ability to change the character is not explored by most of them. When they did not find those features, their parents would guide them and most of them did really well after guidance.

I only observed a facilitator in the maker-space but not at other places. I observed a kid in maker-space interested in circuits and he kind of knew something about. Then the facilitator asked him what could he do and could he did that to let him feel free to make something. The maker-space looks energetic. It makes people feel that “I want to try to build something”. Parts are distributed all over the space so kids would not feel restricted and ruled. In addition, this space is actually not quiet related to other spaces.

Overall the museum showed the kids a place where they can explore theories which can too hard for them in an easy and fun way.