
Bottle Organ Final Report

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Bottle Organ: Intermediate Progress Report

Analysis During the visit, our valve mechanism did not work very well. The cardboard flap we had inside the fan duct failed to successfully cut off air flow,…

Children’s School Observation Notes – Sora

At the Children’s School, I observed 5-year-olds grabbing a handful of blocks and counting how many blocks they grabbed by placing each block on a table of numbers….

Interactive Laser Harp – Nick & Sora

Overview This installation consists of a laser harp that plays sound when a laser is broken by physical intervention. There may be an option to make the lasers…

Children’s Museum Visit – Sora (mgshin)

For the Children’s Museum Visit, I chose to observe the Color Bouncer, which is located in the Attic. The Color Bouncer features groups of red, green, and blue…

Demo 4: Randy the Robot – Oshadha & Sora

Summary Randy the Robot is a self-contained open cube with a personality! He has two IR sensors: one on top and one behind him. Without any human interaction,…

Demo 3: Finishing Each Other’s Song-tences – Jen & Sora

Summary Our two robots are akin to soulmates in love: they finish each other’s song-tences (get it, instead of sentences)! Each bot is equipped with a speaker, a…

Rain Room, 2012 – Background Research by Sora Shin

Rain Room, 2012 Barbican, London; MoMA, NY; Yuz M, Shanghai; LACMA, LA; The Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation for Art, MI Summary Rain Room (2012) is an installation…

Demo 2: Pratfall – Sora Shin

Summary I used stored gravitational potential as the operating principle for my device. The servo turns and pushes an eraser which is attached to the first level by…

Demo 1: Be Patient, Friend! by Sora Shin

Summary This simple demo includes a servo motor with a horn that is taped to a wooden chopstick and a cardboard cutout of a hand. Place the device…