I made a servo controlled fan for this demo. The fan is made from a piece of tissue and the supports are made from two pieces of cardboard.  This prototype won’t generate large air flow due to the fragile materials and limited servo output frequency. The concept, however, is delivered and can be scaled up to an actually functional fan.

The fan has two operating positions and constantly oscillates between the two positions. Ideally, the repeating motion should generate air flow and cool down large surfaces (human for example) by increasing both the air flow rate above the surface and liquid vaporization.


* Hengrui (Henry) Zhang
* Andrew ID: hengruiz
* Carnegie Mellon University
* 16-223: Ideate Portal: Creative Kinetic Systems
* Demo 1: Servo Actuated Fan
// Servo motor signal pin
const int SERVO_PIN = 9;
// Servo position: only two positions of the fan possible
const int POS1 = 45;
const int POS2 = 135;
// Create servo object
Servo myServo;
// light switch state: true->1; false->2
bool state = false;
void setup() {
// Initialize the servo motor to POS1
void loop() {
// turn the switch to the opposite state,
// and wait for the servo to finish turning.
if (state == false) {
state = true;
} else {
state = false;