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Motivational Spinner- Nihal Sivakumar

The motivational spinner is a cute, fun toy to have in your room. The apparatus is self-contained, with a cardboard bottom and top. Shafts of sturdier cardboard hold…

Demo 1 – Drinking Bird by Jen Kwang

This machine uses a single servo to simulate the motion of a children’s toy drinking bird (to see real life version in action, click here), where normally, traveling fluid in…

xuetingl -Demo1

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Kirmanh – Demo 1

Part nostalgia and part fun this machine uses a catapult-like motion to propel a sticky hand forward at a high enough velocity to adhere itself to a surface….

Demo 1 – Leah Kendrick

This micro-project explores a possible physical-output of a single hobby Servo connected to an Arduino.  A narrative approach was taken to demonstrate a real-life use for an automated…

Nicholas Paiva – Demo 1: Plant Waterer 3000

This simple machine solves a simple problem I have in my everyday life. When I go on vacation for an extended period of time, I have no way…

Temporal Demo 1

Temporal Machine Demo 1 The object attached to the hobby servo motor is a pendulum. It is made of cardboard and demonstrates the periodic motion commonly seen in…

ronitb – Demo 1

The Feeding Humming Bird <h3>Ronit Banerjee – Fall 2018</h3> The Feeding Humming Bird is an homage to one of nature’s most finely adapted creatures, the humming bird. Once…

ovg – Demo 1

Doubly-Linked Pendulum Oshadha Gunasekara – Fall 2018 The doubly-linked pendulum is a mesmerizing metronome with an aesthetically minimal design. The fixture consists of a servo connected to an…

jkufro – Demo 1

30-Second Bird Timer Justin Kufro – Fall 2018 The 30-second bird timer is a fine, hand-made decorative sculpture and functional timer. Once plugged in to a power source,…