Signal Processing Examples - CircuitPython

N.B. this is new and still being tested.

The following Python samples demonstrate several single-channel filters for processing sensor data. The filter functions are purely numeric operations and should work on any Python or CircuitPython system. This supports offline testing, as they can be debugged and evaluated on a normal desktop computer.

The code is written for clarity, not efficiency. In many cases significant speedup could result from using ulab or numpy to apply filters to sample vectors or matrices.

The source files can be browsed in raw form in the CircuitPython signals code folder. The files may be also downloaded in a single archive file as

An important step in signal processing is applying a calibration transformation to translate raw values received from an analog to digital converter (ADC) into repeatable and meaningful units. For linear sensors this can be a two-parameter linear mapping which applies an offset and scaling. One convenient implementation is the map function.

map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max)

Map an input x from range (in_min, in_max) to range (out_min, out_max). This is a Python implementation of the Arduino map() function. Works on either integers or floating point.

constrain(x, a, b)

Constrains a number x to be within range (a, b). Python implementation of the Arduino constrain() function. N.B. included here for a convenience, but this is not a linear function.

 1# : platform-independent linear transforms
 2# No copyright, 2020-2021, Garth Zeglin.  This file is explicitly placed in the public domain.
 4def map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
 5    """Map an input x from range (in_min, in_max) to range (out_min, out_max).  This
 6    is a Python implementation of the Arduino map() function.  Works on either
 7    integers or floating point.
 8    """
 9    divisor = in_max - in_min
11    if divisor == 0:
12        return out_min
13    else:
14        return ((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / divisor) + out_min
16def constrain(x, a, b):
17    """Constrains a number x to be within range (a, b).  Python implementation
18    of the Arduino constrain() function."""
19    return min(max(x, a), b)

class CentralMeasures

Object encapsulating a set of accumulators for calculating the mean, variance, min, and max of a stream of values. All properties are available as object attributes (i.e. instance variables).

 1# : compute single-channel central measures in an accumulator
 2# No copyright, 2009-2021, Garth Zeglin.  This file is explicitly placed in the public domain.
 4import math
 6# CircuitPython lacks math.inf, here is a workaround:
 8    inf_value = math.inf
 9except AttributeError:
10    inf_value = math.exp(10000)
13class CentralMeasures:
14    def __init__(self):
15        """Object to accumulate central measures statistics on a single channel of data."""
17        self.samples = 0            # running sum of value^0, i.e., the number of samples
18   = 0            # running sum of value^1, i.e., the accumulated total
19        self.squared = 0            # running sum of value^2, i.e., the accumulated sum of squares
20        self.minval  = inf_value    # smallest input seen
21        self.maxval  = -inf_value   # largest input seen
22        self.last = 0               # most recent input
24        # computed statistics
25        self.average  = 0           # mean value
26        self.variance = 0           # square of the standard deviation
28        return
30    def update(self, value):
31        """Apply a new sample to the accumulators and update the computed statistics.
32        Returns the computed average and variance as a tuple."""
33   += value
34        self.squared += value * value
36        if value < self.minval:
37            self.minval = value
39        if value > self.maxval:
40            self.maxval = value
42        self.samples += 1
43        self.last = value
45        # recalculate average and variance
46        if self.samples > 0:
47            self.average = / self.samples
49            if self.samples > 1:
50                # The "standard deviation of the sample", which is only correct
51                # if the population is normally distributed and a large sample
52                # is available, otherwise tends to be too low:
53                # self.sigma = math.sqrt((self.samples * self.squared -* /
54                #                         self.samples))
56                # Instead compute the "sample standard deviation", an unbiased
57                # estimator for the variance.  The standard deviation is the
58                # square root of the variance.
59                self.variance = ((self.samples * self.squared -* /
60                    (self.samples * (self.samples - 1)))
62        return self.average, self.variance

Hysteresis is the behavior exhibited by a system with state dependent on its history. In physical systems it indicates the presence of hidden state, e.g., the magnetization of a material. In a filter it can provide useful non-linear behavior to discretize data or eliminate outliers.

class Hysteresis

Filter to quantize an input stream into a binary state. Dual thresholds are needed to implement hysteresis: the input needs to rise above the upper threshold to trigger a high output, then drop below the input threshold to return to the low output. One bit of state is required.

class Suppress

Fiilter to suppress a specific value in an input stream.

class Debounce

Filter to ‘debounce’ an integer stream by suppressing changes from the previous value until a specific new value has been observed a minimum number of times.


Time response of the debounce filter to a glitchy square wave. Note how the debounced signal ignores the extra transitions but is also slightly delayed.

 1# : platform-independent non-linear filters
 3# No copyright, 2020-2011, Garth Zeglin.  This file is explicitly placed in
 4# the public domain.
 6class Hysteresis:
 7    def __init__(self, lower=16000, upper=48000):
 8        """Filter to quantize an input stream into a binary state.  Dual thresholds are
 9        needed to implement hysteresis: the input needs to rise above the upper
10        threshold to trigger a high output, then drop below the input threshold
11        to return to the low output.  One bit of state is required.
12        """
13        self.lower = lower
14        self.upper = upper
15        self.state = False
17    def update(self, input):
18        """Apply a new sample value to the quantizing filter.  Returns a boolean state."""
19        if self.state is True:
20            if input < self.lower:
21                self.state = False
22        else:
23            if input > self.upper:
24                self.state = True
26        return self.state
29class Suppress:
30    def __init__(self, value=0):
31        """Filter to suppress a specific value in an input stream."""
32        self.suppress = value
33        self.previous = None
35    def update(self, input):
36        if input != self.suppress:
37            self.previous = input
38        return self.previous
41class Debounce:
42    def __init__(self, samples=5):
43        """Filter to 'debounce' an integer stream by suppressing changes from the previous value
44        until a specific new value has been observed a minimum number of times."""
46        self.samples = samples          # number of samples required to change        
47        self.current_value = 0          # current stable value
48        self.new_value = None           # possible new value        
49        self.count = 0                  # count of new values observed
51    def update(self, input):
52        if input == self.current_value:
53            # if the input is unchanged, keep the counter at zero            
54            self.count = 0
55            self.new_value = None
56        else:
57            if input != self.new_value:
58                # start a new count
59                self.new_value = input
60                self.count = 1
61            else:
62                # count repeated changes
63                self.count += 1
64                if self.count >= self.samples:
65                    # switch state after a sufficient number of changes
66                    self.current_value = self.new_value
67                    self.count = 0
68                    self.new_value = None
70        return self.current_value

class Smoothing

Filter to smooth an input signal using a first-order filter. One state value is required. The smaller the coefficient, the smoother the output.


Time response of the smoothing filter to a ‘chirp’ frequency sweep. Note the effect is a soft low-pass filter, as compared to the Butterworth low-pass below.

class MovingAverage

Filter to smooth a signal by averaging over multiple samples. The recent time history (the ‘moving window’) is kept in an array along with a running total. The window size determines how many samples are held in memory and averaged together.

 1# : platform-independent first-order smoothing filter
 2# No copyright, 2020-2021, Garth Zeglin.  This file is explicitly placed in the public domain.
 4class Smoothing:
 5    def __init__(self, coeff=0.1):
 6        """Filter to smooth an input signal using a first-order filter.  One state value
 7         is required.  The smaller the coefficient, the smoother the output."""
 8        self.coeff = coeff
 9        self.value = 0
11    def update(self, input):
12        # compute the error between the input and the accumulator        
13        difference = input - self.value
15        # apply a constant coefficient to move the smoothed value toward the input        
16        self.value += self.coeff * difference  
18        return self.value
21class MovingAverage:
22    def __init__(self, window_size=5):
23        """Filter to smooth a signal by averaging over multiple samples.  The recent
24        time history (the 'moving window') is kept in an array along with a
25        running total.  The window size determines how many samples are held in
26        memory and averaged together.
27        """
28        self.window_size = window_size
29        self.ring = [0] * window_size     # ring buffer for recent time history
30        self.oldest = 0                   # index of oldest sample
31  = 0                   # sum of all values in the buffer
33    def update(self, input):
34        # subtract the oldest sample from the running total before overwriting
35 = - self.ring[self.oldest]
37        # save the new sample by overwriting the oldest sample
38        self.ring[self.oldest] = input
40        # advance to the next position, wrapping around as needed
41        self.oldest += 1
42        if self.oldest >= self.window_size:
43            self.oldest = 0
45        # add the new input value to the running total
46 = + input
48        # calculate and return the average
49        return / self.window_size

class MedianFilter

Non-linear filter to reduce signal outliers by returning the median value of the recent history. The window size determines how many samples are held in memory. An input change is typically delayed by half the window width. This filter is useful for throwing away isolated outliers, especially glitches out of range.


Time response of the median filter to a sine wave with added spikes. Note how the isolated glitches have little effect.


Time response of the median filter to a ‘chirp’ frequency sweep. The response is erratic; this is not a linear filter.

 1# : platform-independent median filter
 2# No copyright, 2020-2021, Garth Zeglin.  This file is explicitly placed in the public domain.
 4class MedianFilter:
 5    def __init__(self, window_size=5):
 6        """Non-linear filter to reduce signal outliers by returning the median value
 7        of the recent history.  The window size determines how many samples
 8        are held in memory.  An input change is typically delayed by half the
 9        window width.  This filter is useful for throwing away isolated
10        outliers, especially glitches out of range.
11        """
12        self.window_size = window_size
13        self.ring = [0] * window_size     # ring buffer for recent time history
14        self.oldest = 0                   # index of oldest sample
16    def update(self, input):
17        # save the new sample by overwriting the oldest sample
18        self.ring[self.oldest] = input
19        self.oldest += 1
20        if self.oldest >= self.window_size:
21            self.oldest = 0
23        # create a new sorted array from the ring buffer values
24        in_order = sorted(self.ring)
26        # return the value in the middle
27        return in_order[self.window_size//2]

class BiquadFilter

General IIR digital filter using cascaded biquad sections. The specific filter type is configured using a coefficient matrix. These matrices can be generated for low-pass, high-pass, and band-pass configurations.

The file also contains filter matrices automatically generated using and the SciPy toolkit. In general you will need to regenerate the filter coefficients for your particular application needs. The sample filter responses are shown below.

../_images/lowpass1.png ../_images/lowpass-time.png

On the left is the low-pass filter signal transfer ratio as a function of frequency. Please note this is plotted on a linear scale for clarity; on a logarithmic scale (dB) the rolloff slope becomes straight. On the right is the low-pass filter time response to a ‘chirp’ frequency sweep.

../_images/highpass1.png ../_images/highpass-time.png

On the left is the high-pass filter signal transfer ratio as a function of frequency, on the right is the time response.

../_images/bandpass1.png ../_images/bandpass-time.png

On the left is the band-pass signal transfer ratio as a function of frequency, on the right is the time response.

../_images/bandstop1.png ../_images/bandstop-time.png

On the left is the band-stop signal transfer ratio as a function of frequency, on the right is the time response.

 1# : digital IIR filters using cascaded biquad sections generated using
 4# Coefficients for a low-pass Butterworth IIR digital filter with sampling rate
 5# 10 Hz and corner frequency 1.0 Hz.  Filter is order 4, implemented as
 6# second-order sections (biquads).
 7# Reference:
 9low_pass_10_1 = [[[1.0,       -1.04859958, 0.29614036],   # A coefficients, first section
10                  [0.00482434, 0.00964869, 0.00482434]],  # B coefficients, first section
11                 [[1.0,       -1.32091343, 0.63273879],   # A coefficients, second section
12                  [1.0,        2.0,        1.0]]]         # B coefficients, second section
15# Coefficients for a high-pass Butterworth IIR digital filter with 
16# sampling rate: 10 Hz and corner frequency 1.0 Hz.
17# Filter is order 4, implemented as second-order sections (biquads).
19high_pass_10_1 = [[[1.0,        -1.04859958, 0.29614036],
20                   [0.43284664, -0.86569329, 0.43284664]],
21                  [[1.0,        -1.32091343, 0.63273879],
22                   [1.0,        -2.0,        1.0]]]
25# Coefficients for a band-pass Butterworth IIR digital filter with sampling rate
26# 10 Hz and pass frequency range [0.5, 1.5] Hz.  Filter is order 4, implemented
27# as second-order sections (biquads).
28band_pass_10_1 = [[[1.0,        -1.10547167, 0.46872661],
29                   [0.00482434,  0.00964869, 0.00482434]],
30                  [[1.0,        -1.48782202, 0.63179763],
31                   [1.0,        2.0,         1.0]],
32                  [[1.0,        -1.04431445, 0.72062964],
33                   [1.0,        -2.0,        1.0]],
34                  [[1.0,        -1.78062325, 0.87803603],
35                   [1,          -2.0,        1.0]]]
38# Coefficients for a band-stop Butterworth IIR digital filter with
39# sampling rate: 10 Hz and exclusion frequency range [0.5, 1.5] Hz.
40# Filter is order 4, implemented as second-order sections (biquads).
42band_stop_10_1 = [[[1.0,        -1.10547167, 0.46872661],
43                   [0.43284664, -0.73640270, 0.43284664]],
44                  [[1.0,        -1.48782202, 0.63179763],
45                   [1.0,        -1.70130162, 1.0]],
46                  [[1.0,        -1.04431445, 0.72062964],
47                   [1.0,        -1.70130162, 1.0]],
48                  [[1.0,        -1.78062325, 0.87803603],
49                   [1.0,        -1.70130162, 1.0]]]
52class BiquadFilter:
53    def __init__(self, coeff=low_pass_10_1):
54        """General IIR digital filter using cascaded biquad sections.  The specific
55        filter type is configured using a coefficient matrix.  These matrices can be
56        generated for low-pass, high-pass, and band-pass configurations.
57        """
58        self.coeff = coeff                                 # coefficient matricies
59        self.sections = len(self.coeff)                    # number of biquad sections in chain
60        self.state = [[0,0] for i in range(self.sections)] # biquad state vectors
62    def update(self, input):
63        # Iterate over the biquads in sequence.  The accum variable transfers
64        # the input into the chain, the output of each section into the input of
65        # the next, and final output value.
66        accum = input        
67        for s in range(self.sections):
68            A = self.coeff[s][0]
69            B = self.coeff[s][1]
70            Z = self.state[s]
71            x     = accum   - A[1]*Z[0] - A[2]*Z[1]
72            accum = B[0]*x  + B[1]*Z[0] + B[2]*Z[1]
73            Z[1] = Z[0]
74            Z[0] = x
76        return accum

This following script applies all the sample filters to an analog sample stream. This file should be copied into the top-level folder as, and the individual filter samples under their own names so they may be loaded as modules.

 3# Raspberry Pi Pico - Signal Processing Demo
 5# Read an analog input with the ADC, apply various filters, and print filtered
 6# data to the console for plotting.
 8# Import CircuitPython modules.
 9import board
10import time
11import analogio
12import digitalio
14# Import every filter sample.  These files should be copied to the top-level
15# directory of the CIRCUITPY filesystem on the Pico.
17import biquad
18import hysteresis
19import linear
20import median
21import smoothing
22import statistics
25# Set up the hardware.
27# Set up an analog input on ADC0 (GP26), which is physically pin 31.
28# E.g., this may be attached to photocell or photointerrupter with associated pullup resistor.
29sensor = analogio.AnalogIn(board.A0)
32# Initialize filter objects as global variables.
34stats        = statistics.CentralMeasures()
35hysteresis   = hysteresis.Hysteresis(lower=0.25, upper=0.75)
36average      = smoothing.MovingAverage()
37smoothing    = smoothing.Smoothing()
38median       = median.MedianFilter()
39lowpass      = biquad.BiquadFilter(biquad.low_pass_10_1)
40highpass     = biquad.BiquadFilter(biquad.high_pass_10_1)
41bandpass     = biquad.BiquadFilter(biquad.band_pass_10_1)
42bandstop     = biquad.BiquadFilter(biquad.band_stop_10_1)
44# Collect all the filters in a list for efficient multiple updates.
46all_filters = [ stats, hysteresis, average, smoothing, median,
47                lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop, ]
50# Run the main event loop.
52# Use the high-precision clock to regulate a precise *average* sampling rate.
53sampling_interval  = 100000000           # 0.1 sec period of 10 Hz in nanoseconds
54next_sample_time   = time.monotonic_ns()
56while True:
57    # read the current nanosecond clock
58    now = time.monotonic_ns()
59    if now >= next_sample_time:
60        # Advance the next event time; by spacing out the timestamps at precise
61        # intervals, the individual sample times may have 'jitter', but the
62        # average rate will be exact.
63        next_sample_time += sampling_interval
65        # Read the sensor once per sampling cycle.
66        raw = sensor.value
68        # Apply calibration to map integer ADC values to meaningful units.  The
69        # exact scaling and offset will depend on both the individual device and
70        # application.
71        calib  =, 59000, 4000, 0.0, 1.0)
73        # Pipe the calibrated value through all the filters.
74        filtered = [filt.update(calib) for filt in all_filters]
76        # Selectively report results for plotting.
77        # print((raw, calib))                            # raw and calibrated input signal
78        # print((calib, filtered[0][0], filtered[0][1])) # calibrated, average, variance
79        # print((calib, 1*filtered[1], filtered[2]))     # calibrated, thresholded, moving average
80        print((calib, filtered[3], filtered[4]))         # calibrated, smoothed, median-filtered
81        # print((calib, filtered[5], filtered[6]))       # calibrated, low-pass, high-pass
82        # print((calib, filtered[7], filtered[8]))       # calibrated, band-pass, band-stop

Development Tools

The development of these filters involves several other tools:

  • A Python script for generating digital filters using SciPy:

  • A Python matplotlib script for generating figures from the test data:

The Python scripts use several third-party libraries:

  • SciPy: comprehensive numerical analysis; linear algebra algorithms used during filter generation

  • Matplotlib: plotting library for visualizing data

For more information on filters: